Happy Birthday

May 19, 2011 01:10

Happy Birthday to me!  おたんじょうびおもでとう!!!

I am officially 22 today...or well yesterday since its 1:12 AM now :)

On Sunday went to Spaghetti Factory with the family because the parental units are totally ditching my birthday to go to San Diego for work for my dad/relaxation for my mom. I had a wheat pasta with parmesan cheese and some other special cheese I can't remember the name of and a butter/light alfredo/garlic sauce with bacon and mushrooms.  Yumm!!! Monday went to Pasto's with Marlene because there's a partners meeting last night so she couldn't take me on my actual brithday and she'll take me to really cool fancy schmancy places that my parents are too cheap for.  I had Calimari and Crab Macaroni with a Pinot wine.  Then last night/tonight? went to Oreganos with my sister and had Pesto penne and of course the free pazooki in chocolate chip with ice cream :)  Needless to say I'm a little Italianed out.  Though of course since I can always manage to relate things to fandom, couldn't help but think of Matsujun.  Her'es to antoher year and hopefully a little more independence/responsibilty!  And maybe moving out?
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