my darkside post

Aug 15, 2009 01:47

I've decided that when I grow old I will be totally alone. But since I'm not female I won't be allowed fifty cats in my senility. I'll have to have fifty plastic plants that I'll dutifully water and name each one individually, talk to and nuture, thinking myself the greatest green thumb ever simply because not even one single leaf wilted, drooped or dared turned brown. This isn't as bad as it sounds. I think most people fool themselves on a regular basis in the prime of their lives. Take the credit crises now..everyone that had access to any credit at all suddenly thought it was part of their net worth instead of a loan that must come due. People fool themselves on their self-importance to the degree of out-right arrogance and blatant rudeness in casual everyday happenstance meetings. (Excuse me Mr. Mayer, I didn't know you were in town today!) It's a sad thing that to meet a polite person anymore is a rare thing. It's no wonder I want to be alone in me old age.

I just read this back to myself, wow..I hope I didn't bum anyone out. It's what happens when I let my fingers go without thinking. This was more of a 'feel' post I guess. I'll bounce back soooon, in the meantime maybe I'll do a good deed to someone random I run into. Nothing big..maybe I'll be polite to a stranger or something.

current music: Everybody's talking - harry nilsson

...'only the echos of my mind
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