MEDIA Programme - Support for festivals deadline

Apr 23, 2012 13:05

The European Commission has issued annual calls for proposals since 1992 for support for attending film festivals and other audiovisual events to promote European films and their distribution across Europe.

Call for proposals for festivals starting between May 1, 2012 and April 30, 2013. Application deadline: April 30, 2012.

This scheme is designed to support film festivals that programme at least 70% European content, and can be used for costs such as subtitling, translation, catalogue printing and travel costs for professionals accompanying a film at the festival.

The first deadline of this Call for Proposals is for festivals taking place between 1 May 2012 and 31 October 2012. Festivals starting between 1 November 2012 and 30 April 2013 should apply for the deadline on 30 April 2012.

Grants from €10,000 to €75,000 are available for festival organisers covering up to 50% of the following costs:

Costs related to the presentation of European film:
Print traffic
Subtitling and translation
Screening fees
Professionals accompanying a European film:
Travel costs
Development, translation and printing costs for:
the official printed catalogue
the printed programme guide.
To be eligible festivals must devote a minimum of 70% of their entire programme to European films from at least ten countries participating in the MEDIA Programme. Festivals focussing on archeology or anthropology, medicine, ornithology, science, environment, tourism, sport, commericals, live-broadcast events, music videos, non-narrative artistic works, mobile phone films and video games are not eligible.

The eligible applications will be ranked according to the following award criteria:

The European dimension of the programming 15%
Cultural and geographic diversity of the programming 20%
Quality and innovative nature of the programming 10%
Audience impact 30%
Impact on promotion and circulation of films/AV works 15%
Participation of film professionals 10 %
The budget for this Call for Proposals is estimated at €1.6 million. The Commission reserves the right not to allocate the entire budget.

For full info check: back.

гранти, фестивалі, гроші

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