Closing StarBucks?

Jul 18, 2008 23:39

I heard on the news that they are closing 600 StarBuck stores. 6 of them are in Jacksonville, Florida.
Here where I live. The ones that are getting shut down are the ones i go to.
It sucks. x[The one at the Orange Park Mall is closing and the one aross from the mall.
I dont know if the other 4 places are shuting down. I think aonther one is.
I'll have to look it it up.StarBucks is like a hang out for us.
Where teens can be alone or with friends and just talk and enjoy drinking different kinda of coffe.

Anyways. Lately, I've been watching japanese sow.
Shows like Mago Mago Arashi. Hey! Hey! Hey! aka Heyx3, Shukudaikun, Utaban, blahh blahh.
I haven't laughed at shows like them in along time.
hmmm....currently watching varitey japanese and korean shows.
Trying to catch up on show I've haven't watched.
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