Mar 15, 2006 11:36
here is my new favorite quote..........."There is only one thing you need to know about women and men; women are crazy and men are stupid. And the only reason women are crazy is because MEN ARE STUPID!"
omg! that is so true! some guys.........and girls so please take no offense guys.....some of you i still luv bunches................ but some guys can just be absolute douche bags! omg! do they really think that girls.....WHO ARE FRIENDS! arent goin to talk to eachother........i mean seriously! if youre gonna go tell one friend one story and another friend a completely different one........youve gotta be pretty stupid to think that the 2 friends arent gonna talk. come on.......honestly! any guys out there that might have any insight as to why this male was so stupid! please let me know
ok.........time for lunch!
bye bye