Feb 25, 2005 21:36
So, this accounting class I'm taking? Is a bitch. I had no idea it would be this difficult. I have an exam tomorrow morning (luckily we get the option to take it on Saturday) and I've studied every night this week. I've exhausted pretty much every resource I've been given with this course and I'm still not sure I completely understand what we're covering. But now I just want to get the damned thing over with so I can finish packing and get the fuck out of this apartment. Tonight I've been treated to my neighbors across the way tromping up and down the stairs like elephants, and my downstairs neighbor blasting his speakers up to 11 (that's right, 11). We have sound-proof floors and walls, and the bass is still very audible. But he's never let it go on too late so we haven't complained or anything. We're nice like that. Ha. Ah, in a few days I'll be in a whole new place, with no shared walls, stairs, laundry facilities, or parking lots. It can't come too soon.