(no subject)

Apr 14, 2010 22:32

I'm doing better than I have in a really long time. Usually when I'm asked the question "how are you" I'll reply with "okay" or "alright I guess" but lately I've been "good". There's no one reason why it's just that things are starting to come together. Obviously not much has changed, I still hate school, I still wish I was in Florida, and I'm still lonely, but it's different. It might be all the weed I've been smoking and yoga I've started doing but I've come to terms with the fact that everyone wastes their life and knowing this means I'm not going to waste mine. I seriously spent hours talking to Brenda last night about how fucked society is while smoking the Hookah and it was so great because we agree on so many things. Like how pot is illegal because it opens your mind and you see how fucked the government is LOL. Like I thought weed was so stupid without even trying it...I feel like that's not okay, because you should be allowed to try whatever you want as long as it doesn't kill you LOL. ~Brainwashed~ I don't know, we decided we want to have the best lives ever and open a yoga studio attached to a hookah lounge. I'm down! We also made friends from Dubai who want us to come back Saturday to dance more and party at Habibi's hahah. I love that shit. I love not being afraid to try something new. These other girls were just like looking so weirded out at everyone dancing and Brenda and I were just having so much fun. I hate our country sometimes. I can't wait to watch the video about 2012 Brenda's too scared to watch alone. Maybe it will persuade me to drop out LOL since our education is the biggest waste of time and money ever. So fucked. I really wish I could build my own planet. It would be great. Everyone's so fucked and everything's so fucked. People care about the stupidest shit. Tanning? Really? Good idea. I wish more people were enlightened. What can you do?but hate all the white Christians who fucked everything up LOL don't even get me started on the Mormons...the world would be so much better off if they spent their Tuesday nights smoking Hookah and dancing to Arabian beats.

I really miss Pablo and I wish he wasn't miles a way so I could find out if this is as good as I think it is.
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