Dream time!

Apr 11, 2008 01:15

So I remembered that I'd mentioned the dream that I emailed to myself then it miraculously disappeared.... That was terrible grammar, but I don't care. So here's the dream, FINALLY!

1) I was dating this cute guy. We liked to go eat at cool/kitschy places and just have fun.

I went on a trip with my family. As we left the house, I complained about the garage door and how it had had problems since before I was born, yet Dad never took care of them. Usually Dad would be behind the wheel on this trip which apparently was to the airport. I think Mom was the front passenger while Bobby and I sat in the back seat. Who was driving? And were we in a limo??

The family is now in a store/performance space with Yo-Yo Ma. I think I was looking at one of those nature sounds setups, only this actually had running water over some kind of smooth rock bed and maybe some leaves? I think it was during this time that cute date guy called and invited me to a really great-sounding dinner--at his place, I think--and I had to turn him down because I was out of town with the family. Why didn't I tell him that I'd be traveling?

2) I remember being in a mall or some other big building with lots of rooms in it. I believe I was in a clothing store. I walked past some very maze-looking bathrooms, then came to the dressing rooms. There was a lady there, directing "traffic." She sent me to a room and I *prepared* to try on my first outfit. Then traffic lady sent a *family* into my dressing room. WTH?? I think I just kind of stood there incredulously (?), taking it all in. I remember the father giving me a particularly strange look. They were eventually
herded out and I was left in peace.

3) My friend Joseph was in a band and felt like the band was either holding him back or going in a direction which he didn't want to go. Somehow I was in his head or something, and his feelings were represented by different objects floating around in a space. I remember him being kind of folded and packaged into a long, cylindrical (capped?) container. It was relatively long, but was actually about the size of a ballpoint pin. And it was like it was some kind of advertisement for his band, and he resented being forced to stay in the whole thing (the band *and* the pen).

Fun times. I have another one that I dictated into my phone. It'll have to wait until tomorrow (later today, actually, since it after FREAKIN' ONE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!!!!).


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