Fun with Google at bedtime.

May 21, 2006 23:38

So I decided to Google Wil Wheaton tonight. I did an image search. Boy, did that bring back memories. Like many girls my age (especially the sci-fi fangirls), I was once convinced that I was going to marry the wonderful Wil. I bought the Star Trek magazines just for the pictures of Wesley Crusher...I'll never forget the poster I had--Wesley in the 2nd or 3rd season of TNG, in that gray jumpsuit. It was this shot--

--but the picture quality was better, and the bottom wasn't cut off (the picture is actually longer than that). I taped the poster to my window shade, 'cause at the time I didn't have much wall space. Hehe.

And then there was the framed photograph of him...I think I ordered it from BOP or Big Bopper (now known as BB) or one of those-type magazines. It was a glossy 8x11, black and white. And yes, I framed it. LOL! I can't remember what photo it was for the life of me...but I know I saw it recently on the net. I hope it's still at home--*gasp* I think I remember it! He was sitting on something...a chair, or a bed...reading a book. And if I remember correctly, the book was Johnny Got His Gun. *Googling* Yes! It was from the movie "December." Still no picture, but Google let me know (by way of the New York Times) that my facts are right--Wil's character, Kipp Gibbs, was expelled from his boarding school for reading the book.

Yes, I need help. But I know this, and knowing is half the battle.

I'm such an 80s child. Good night...

google, boys

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