Okay, first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO
Second of all,
this is hilarious. Hit's hawesome. Even though
Shane downgraded it to awesome.
Also, after reading his most recent entry, I've decided to post some old school-day pictures. Remember those? Definitely check
his out, and then look at mine (and a few of someone else...).
I actually have all of my pictures, from kindergarten to senior year. But I won't torture you with them...but if you'd like to see them all sometime, let me know. It's quite amusing. And now, for the highlights:
Kindergarten. Note the wonderful plaid shirt (with fashionable ruffled sleeves and collar), and the ever-present double-braid-'do (complete with big-as-my-head ball-tie-things). The wicker chair was a nice touch. And check out that clear skin...I miss that. Damned hormones.
Fast forward to my transition from 6th to 7th grade (I went from elementary to junior high...never went to a 6-8--aka "middle"--school). In 6th grade, I had that weird pink shirt that came with the mis-matched buttons (I especially love the ugly white one that doesn't go with anything else), the infamous double-braid-'do (slightly lopsided, probably 'cause I did it myself) and those same freakin' huge ball-tie-things (and now I've added matching barrettes). I wouldn't exactly call that a smile...we'll call it a grimace.
And then 7th grade. Notice the weird pink shirt with the mis-matched buttons, the same double-braid-'do (slightly lopsided), and...yeah. You get the idea. It's ALL THE SAME. Totally unplanned. My hair accesories are even almost in the same place. Same ugly white button. At least I'm closer to smiling this time. I hate smiling on cue. But hey, at least I moved the part in my hair. Gotta change something.
I put these up mainly for Shane (like he's actually gonna look, but you never know!). His pictures reminded me a lot of my brother's pictures (I swiped a bunch of them, 'cause Mom and Dad had saved all the extras). He (Shane) had two years where he had on an almost identical plaid shirt. He also had the chipmunk teeth goin' like my brother did (although you can't tell in these pics I've posted...they showed up later in life, and I think the bro will kill me if I post all his pics). So here we have kindergarten and first grade, I think. Check out the not-quite-round 'fro (reminds me of Shane's not-quite-Beatle haircut) and the plain shirts with striped collar. He liked stripes (or, more likely, Mom did).
Alrighty, if you don't hear from me for a while, chances are that my brother killed me for posting his pics. Okay, I should go now, 'cause I have a lesson at 1:15. For which I'm not prepared. The usual. Later.