today installment

Mar 20, 2005 03:17

as for my estimation ov' acceptability :

1st.: not all folks are capable ov' accepting me ( not all agree*)

2nd.: I am in a constant process ov' learning regarding "accepting" which course lays ahead
& my place (be it a thing one could call blame) in the scheme ov' things.

3rd. regard for "The truth" means having a degree ov' "Willingness" were one can trust,
that even if my first Impression ov' timely developments, is hasty & frustrated.. (& I throw a fit`)
still I will see what I'm looking at - as it comes into focus!

retrospective thread: here goes!~

*As in the 1st.,so is it with me:
I will not always agree - there's stuff I refuse to accept.
(this is how I know it is true*)

*As in the 2nd.,My knowledge belongs to me , conversely ....I can recognize
when different paradigms ("brand-name" ingredients ov' folk's perspectives*)
this refines the exercise ov' tolerance Vs. confrontation
" & the wisdom to know the difference " -see the serenity prayer.
this shit is part ov' growth - this shit could be why someone just might kill me,
but fear not! for this body shall find a way to assume room-temperature -It'z coool....
I'll be coool , I promise! ~LoL~

As in the 3rd.
ALL KNOW! everyone can sense when they lie to themselves, but that is only one component
ov' every situation, does not lying help when you face interference?
like when you are being cross examined for the benefit ov' someone else's agenda?
"are you harboring any Jews in your attic?" or "Do you still beat your wife?"
how about "Do you- *Know*-Jesus?" so when do we with-hold truth?
when it is useful ...... to not have an honest sense ov' this dynamic
is to say I Will never Lie` which is a gross estimation - a promise waiting to become a lie.
on the one hand there is that stuff I wrote - (see above -if U want*)
& now here's the insides, I know myself as a parent would think ov' their child,
discipline is part ov' the job. I am my first born
if shit ain't clear enough , one couldn't be able to tell if something would introduce them
into a situation which they themselves wouldn't be able to control themselves in.
............sound familiar? ..ok now add people
and fierce currents
varying degrees ov' "Willful-Unwillingness" ( dude` learn this phasing!!!*)
add other culturally imparted "willful-Unwillingness "
And folks can only 'want-to' appreciate what pleases them anyway ( the degree ov' Willingness*)
*** But our Lives are problems which bring god the results It needs.***(We are god's questions*)
consequences are consequentially personal to the people who personalize it,
Yet taking shit personally is a very slippery path isn't it?
...jealousy ...envy ...contempt with out a full understanding make for
more reasons to lie & then aggressive patterns are a risk also..
to "Apply more Dishonesty" perhaps, or a disregard for shit like honesty comes to mind too
on & on ........

these thought's are my constant supplication along with my very breath...
the Apostle Paul did say "Be in constant supplication" this conversation with god,
makes for a "conversant" -understanding were you have the formula - and it works
up & down addition & subtraction
in body & spirit Conversely!

The conversation has never Started & it will never Stop, it is continuous.
the Universe is continuous it comes complete with shit some folks regard as limits,
perhaps they have to have that khauszzz it make it feel familiar, really familiar!~

Just like how life doesn't begin at conception.
Life Continues through a circumstance called Conception.
two things living, continue living.

that's me!
oh` and everyone else too .......

Zoe : is the indestructible - continuing life force
I can release the need for a thing called the beginning , this concept lacks a beginning,
but habits persist don't they?
besides we as a species may have an end.
and folks could take that a bit personally....and what about how the Idea ov' "beginningsms" become personalized?

I'm just saying!~
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