Jan 26, 2005 01:06
new products are being developed all the time for the benefit ov' even the simplest ov'
the near-to-nay sayer type ..even they shall be persuaded , why', it's only natural!
1st. flood the internet with advertisement spots, usually on the periphery of your browser page,
for the germane purpose of bringing about a raised consciences regarding young men
and their Oral hygiene:
the titles could range from slogans such as"Floss boy Floss.."to"Floss that funky shit out- white boy"
or how about :
an Image of the bottom of a new trash pail: " here's your gum line....
here's your gum line when you're a lazy bum"
the trash pail ( situated next to an abject bum looking down into it..) the Image is
slimy shit juice swishing and sloshing as the pail is tilted .." gee, you didn't even use a Liner!~"
perhaps this should be every where ,although I guess it would just be better to have a little
something on the market too, so how about an interactive DVD-CD ROM disk that plainly
shows fellers (..& a few gal's come to mind too)...um,
wait!- this has got to be extended to cover a more broader range ov' hygiene issues......
god only know'S the red stateS need it!
Clean-&-clear for the emerging hero!
simple steps & carefully explained methods of Hygiene.. category, chapter & verse.
and now- what is most needed, is a section on finishing that long hair!
no more fucking guys with long hair in a news paper rubber band - rubbish!
special feature in this DVD is easy follow along or I'll have you taken out, instructions on
how to blow-dry & finish long hair " it only seems like a chore at first, until you compare
yourself to last year's photos & join the national "easy to follow or we'll take you out-club"
metrosexual shit is dead, let the urbanites show ya' how it'z done!
let the suburbanites show ya' what about that clean cut feller from the country....
we could hold conventions were folks could compete....
ah whatever .......................
just don't smell fucker ,it really sucks!~
who wan's to smell the chicken from god only know's how long ago, everyone else who would be
so honest, would let you know, if U really wanted them too.
Now what about the "miniature stun bracelet " & "the sure fire stunning pet collar"
we see it every day, less than obedient doggies & kitties & children, are in need of swift
and immediate indication that what they're up to, just might be a little too naughty .....
with the hand-held adjustable long range remote send a clear message leaving no grey area
~~'pa-fissshzz-Pop*~~ a mere jolt and shit is regulated in the most efficient manner!~
just slip the bracelet on with the contact nodes facing out, and you have a shocking solution
for anyone with any funny Ideas about trying to apprehend you,
simply have the potentiometer ready-set to the extreme "fried-french" setting...
something look's fishy ..well it'll soon smell fishy too just as soon as they make a total Ass
out themselves screwing with the wrong person!
and if that's not far enough for U
wait there's more .......rack em' up with a quick castration device called the
simply shock the fuck out of your assailant , making sure he's out for the count give em a zap
just below the occipital bone @ the back of the head -oh' he's out cold - although still partially
conscious!~ then run the heming pointer into place - in the usual location,
flick the the spring switch and presto ..I won't tell anyone if U don't, and the world
would be all the better, this Unique device can also be used to remove eye balls too!
an added plussss!
remember that's
1st. shock the fuck out of em'
2nd. exact the device into place and flick the motherfucking switch!
(and if You're truly pissed ..)
3rd. use this same amazing device to end his carrier at about anything of substance from that
point on!~ pop his mother-fucking eye's out!
Cornia collection is provided at non-judgemental hospitals marked as safe houses for like
were you could deposit you baby in the event you change your mind in the first 72 hr.s
ov' birth ....please note eye ball's are only good within 3 hr.s
as for the balls..well, i think stores like the Necromacer in L.A. could do something with em'........
everyone should have the this device - let the chips fall were they may~