Nov 15, 2003 13:51
Have you ever...
[x] Fallen for your best friend? No.
[x] Made out with JUST a friend? Yes.
[x] Been rejected? Yes.
[x] Been in love? Yes.
[x] Been in lust? Yes.
[x] Used someone? No.
[x] Been used? No.
[x] Cheated on someone? No.
[x] Been cheated on? Not to my knowleged.
[x] Done something you regret? I never regret anything because I've learned from eveything I've done.
Who was the last person...
[x] You touched? Lily.
[x] You talked to? My Mommy.
[x] You hugged? Lily
[x] You instant messaged? Danielle.
[x] You kissed? Bobby.
[x] You yelled at? Probably my brother.
[x] You laughed with? Lily.
Have you/are you/do you....
[x] Considered a life of crime? No.
[x] Considered being a hooker? No.
[x] Considered being a pimp? No.
[x] Are you psycho? No.
[x] Split personalities? No.
[x] Schizophrenic? No.
[x] Obsessive? About some my house being clean, my hair beeing right, blah blah blah.
[x] Obsessive compulsive? Haha, look above.
[x] Panic? Ehhhh.
[x] Anxiety? No.
[x] Depressed? To some extent.
[x] Suicidal? I've never thought about it before.
[x] Obsessed with hate? No.
[x] Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? No.
[x] Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? No.
[x] Understanding: Yes.
[x] Open-minded: Yes.
[x] Arrogant: No.
[x] Insecure: At times.
[x] Interesting: Let's hope so!
[x] Hungry: Not really.
[x] Friendly: Yes.
[x] Smart: Recently, yes.
[x] Moody: Yes.
[x] Childish: Sometimes.
[x] Independent: Very.
[x] Hard working: When I want to be.
[x] Organized: Very!
[x] Healthy: Yes.
[x] Emotionally Stable: Yes.
[x] Shy: Not usually.
[x] Difficult: Most of the time. :)
[x] Attractive: Depends on who you ask.
[x] Bored Easily: Nope.
[x] Thirsty: MMMM water.
[x] Responsible: Most of the time.
[x] Sad: No.
[x] Happy: Yes.
[x] Trusting: Yes.
[x] Talkative: Yes.
[x] Original: Sure.
[x] Different: No.
[x] Unique: Yes.
[x] Lonely: No.
[x] Color your hair? No.
[x] Have tattoos? No.
[x] Piercings? Yes.
[x] Have a girlfriend? No
[x] Floss daily? No, I'm bad...
[x] Own a webcam? Yes.
[x] Ever get off the damn computer? Sometimes.
[x] Sprechen sie deutsche? A little.
[x] Habla espanol? Si, un pequito.
[x] Current Clothes: Juicy terry pants and a Juicy long sleeve shirt.
[x] Current Mood: Tired.
[x] Current Taste: Nothing really.
[x] Current Hair: Straight.
[x] Current Annoyance: School.
[x] Current Smell: My Soy Candle.
[x] Current thing you ought to be doing: School work.
[x] Current Desktop Picture: An AF thingy.
[x] Current Favorite Group: Ask me later
[x] Current Book: "Coming of Age In Mississippi".
[x] Current DVD In Player: I take them out when I'm done with them, so nothing.
[x] Current Refreshment: Water.
[x] Current Worry: School.
[x] Current Crush: Bobby!.
[x] Current Favorite Celebrity: MEEEEEEEEEE.
[x] Food: I'm a dork but...salad.
[x] Drink: Apple Martini
[x] Color: Teal
[x] Shoes: Reefs.
[x] Candy: Chewy stuff
[x] TV Show: I've recently started to really like CSI.
[x] Movie: Ummm...I dunno
[x] Dance: Ballet
[x] Vegetable: I like 'em all!
[x] Fruit: Strawberries.
On preferences....
[x] Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Chocolate Milk.
[x] McDonalds or Burger King? Neither.
[x] Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? A perfect lover would be a perfect friend in my eyes!
[x] Sweet or sour? Sour.
[x] Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper.
[x] Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Sappy or Comedy.
[x] Cats or dogs? Cats.
[x] Ocean or Pool? Pool.
[x] Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Neither
[x] Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Mud
[x] With or without ice-cubes? With.
[x] Shine or rain? Rain.
[x] Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Winter.
[x] Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate.
[x] Gloves or mittens? MITTENSSSSSSSSS.
[x] Eyes open or closed? Closed.
[x] Fly or breathe under water? Fly.
[x] Bunk-bed or waterbed? MY bed.
[x] Chewing gum or hard candy? Gum.
[x] Motor boat or sailboat? Motor.
[x] Lights on or off? Either.
[x] Chicken or fish? Chicken.
What's your favorite:
[x] Number? 20
[x] Holiday? New's a time to drink, party, have the time of your lives, then start the new year off fresh!
[x] Radio station? I don't listen to the radio.
[x] Place? Somewhere with friends and loved ones.
[x] Flower? Gerebera Daisy.
[x] Scent? Rain, cut grass, Bobby.
[x] If you could be anywhere, where would you be? With Bobby.
[x] What would you be doing? Wouldn't you like to know.
[x] What are you listening to? Nothing right now.
[x] Can you do anything freakish with your body? Ummmm.
[x] Do you have a favourite animal, no matter how lame it may be? I really do like Sammy, my pet fish!