Jun 29, 2004 18:09
After not having the best of weekends, with everything that happened, I was hoping the start of the new week would go better. But when I woke up yesterday, I started to have this wierd feeling. I thought it was just nerves, from something else that I knew was going to happen during the day. But I should have known better. When Mike got into work, he told me he found another job and his last day with us would be on Wednesday. I was sort of numb and told him congratulations, even though at the time I don't think it came out meaniful. So now it's just going to be Bob and I within our department in our section, until we move to 1 Constitution Plaza which won't be until September or October. Granted I still have Jim & Kim in NJ and Larry in MA and Dave in Rochester, NY, but I only talk to them on the phone and don't see them barely. I told Christina that she can set up her office where Doug or Mike sat since she's going to need to set up some sort of space for herself for the days she's in the office. I've been working with Mike for about 2 years and he was able to fit in so well with Doug, Bob and myself. I realize I can't work with the same people all my life and I knew Mike would find something else since TCC didn't really need his skill set, but I didn't think it would be so sudden. I'm genuinely happy that he found something else and that he'll be happy, but it's also quite sad to see half of the crew I've been with for these past few years, broken up. The four of us are supposed to go out for lunch tomorrow, but it's going to be bitter sweet. I'll still be keeping in touch with Mike, but just like with Doug, it won't be the same. The only thing that made me smile yesterday was knowing the fact that I made someone else's day.
Then today we had this stupid "Customer Delight" training all day and it was a complete waste of a day. I don't even want to see my emails when I get back in tomorrow. But as the day wore on, I started to get this wierd feeling again and it only has intensified as the afternoon and evening has worn on. It's beyond the point of being weird, but onto being a really bad feeling. This is the third straight day, I've been having this type of feeling and I wish it would stop. I just have this god awful feeling that won't go away and it's starting to get me a little nervous. I hope it's just nerves or stress.