"The Instillation Took Forever..."
Player Name: Suza
Age: 21
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal:
suzaku_tensaiContact Information:
Instant Messenger: Suzaku Tensai
Email: suzaku_tensai@yahoo.com
Other Characters: America (Alfred F. Jones)
Name: Jenrya Lee / Jianliang Li
Age: 12*
Gender: Male
Fandom: Digimon Tamers
Timeline: Post-series, some time after the CD Drama
series wiki page *With the anime's timeline lasting roughly half a year, ending in October, and the CD Drama taking place a year after that, this moves Jenrya's age up to either 11 1/2 or 12. My head canon birthday for Jenrya is October 10th, so I've chosen 12 as his age.
Character Personality:
Calm and collective, Jenrya is the type of person who prefers stepping back and looking at a problem from a distance rather than instantly barging forward at full speed. While kind, he may appear cold or disinterested at first meeting, but this is actually more a result of his own discomfort around people. He can hold himself well in front of strangers, but would much rather be at home, playing around on his computer. Before meeting the main character of their series, Takato Matsuda, Jenrya spent more time interacting with computers than he did other kids his own age. As a result, although his levelheadedness allows him to adapt quickly to new situations, he does have his awkward moments.
Jen, a firm believer in the idea that one shouldn't poke one's nose unwantedly into others' business, is a naturally curious person who does a very good job of not allowing that curiosity to get the better of him (usually). “Restraint” and “fault” are key words on Jenrya’s character. For most of the series, a lot of his actions are subtly restrained due to his own (misplaced) guilt and insecurities. On some level, Jenrya blames himself for many of the unfortunate events that befall himself and others. “If only I had….” “I should have…” “if…. doesn’t happen, it’ll be all my fault.” All of this gets better later on, but it’s a part of him that’s still there, even in the post-series CD drama where he begins to doubt some of his well intended actions (and subsequently needs Takato to yell at him a bit in order to snap him out of it again :O ).
A good quote from the show that really describes this inner struggle and the steps that Jenrya begins to take in order to help himself overcome it is said in the Japanese version of one of the later episodes:
“When I was little… I think I was a really selfish child. Because I had a lot of siblings, I wanted more attention. I’ve been learning Kenpo from Cho-sensei… When I was little, just once I got into a fight with a friend from my neighborhood… and I hurt him. I hated the ‘me’ that did that. ‘I have to restrain myself’… has always been in the back of my mind. And it’s been holding me back. But there are things only I can do…”
When it really comes down to it though, the knowledge that what he has to do is something that only he is capable of doing is enough to seal Jenrya’s resolution. Of course, having a friend he trusts to lean on and tell him when he’s being silly and over-thinking things again helps too.
Character Abilities:
For his age, Jenrya holds slightly above average strength and combat skill due to weekly tai chi chuan lessons. He knows Chinese, though seldom uses it, and is particularly bright and perceptive. Extremely driven to accomplish the tasks that he believes to be important, by age ten, Jenrya had already decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a computer programmer in hopes of one day becoming skilled enough to implement a system that would allow both the Digital World and Real World to interact more directly with one another, yet no longer suffer any damage because of it. Due to his studies over the past year and a half since he's decided on this field, Jenrya's skills with computers have greatly increased and he should be able to hack at a "medium" difficulty level.
In the anime, most of Jenrya’s special abilities are linked to his digimon partner, Terriermon, and cannot be accessed without his presence (so it’s highly unlikely that he’ll ever be using them at SC). Nevertheless, we’ll go over them real quickly:
Through a tamer’s connection with their digimon, a digimon is able to evolve. Jenrya can help Terriermon to evolve through a combination of their close emotional and spiritual connection as partners along with the powers of Jenrya’s digivise. The digivise (this verson is called a D-Ark) is able to scan cards from the Digimon trading card game and use them to give Terriermon “help” during battles (special abilities, evolution, stat bonuses, etc). For a deeper look on what the D-Ark can do, go
here~. (note: Jenrya didn't have his on him when he was brought to Death City, so he'll never get to actually use it here)
Now here’s where things start to get (almost) relevant! Biomerging! Jenrya can biomerg with Terriermon in order to evolve to Terriermon’s highest evolution level. In biomerging, a digimon and its tamer become somewhat of the same being. They see the same things, feel the same things, and understand one another's thoughts and feelings wordlessly. It’s a bit like a really intense version of Soul Resonance, really, so the concept is something he understands already and is used to.
Character Weaknesses:
Jenrya’s dislike of violence and the act of hurting others can, at times, prohibit him from fighting seriously, even to the point where he will let himself and those he cares about be hurt rather than kill or injure others.
He is also highly critical of his own actions and will blame himself for misfortunes that he has very little control over. When this happens, that level head of his may start to slip, causing him to begin to lose focus.
As was mentioned earlier, Jenrya can be very stubborn about his beliefs. His refusal to bend on certain issues (although these are few) may cause some friction on issues between himself and those around him. One example of this from the series, which is important to remember, will carry over into his time in Death City. In the anime, Jenrya is strongly against the act of "absorbing" a digimon's data in order to gain more power (the idea here is that, if he doesn't let Terriermon absorb the defeated digimon's data after the battle, Jenrya believes/hopes that its spirit will be able to pass on and might even be given a second chance at life one day). Likewise, he will be strongly against that act of eating souls - no matter how evil a being the soul belonged to - for similar reasons. This is something any partner that he may form a bond with must accept.
Why your character should be a Meister:
A “tamer’s” connection with their digimon partner holds many similarities with the partnership between a meister and weapon. As a tamer, it has always been Jenrya’s job to make the tactical choices in battle as opposed to providing the raw power. Likewise, a meister’s job is to choose what would be the proper way to wield a weapon while keeping all of the various factors of battle in mind.
Meister Ability:
Soul Transform: The ability to transform their Weapon into another type of Weapon - however, they will not be able to choose the form (at least at the beginning).
Due to Jenrya's young age, I wanted to give him an ability that would even the playing field for him a bit. In a lot of ways, Soul Transform, when mastered, is reminiscent of Jen's abilities as a Tamer. A Tamer uses modify cards to alter or completely change his digimon's abilities in battle, carefully picking out the right card to use on the right opponent. Until he gets this mastered, Jen's sharp enough to think on his feet and use whatever he gets.
Soul Description: easy-going, evaluating, restrained, dedicated, concerned, clever
Soul Appearance: a green soul with calm, gray eyes and a good-natured smirk on its face.