Oct 30, 2007 11:25
Hey guys hows it going? So yeah its been awhile since I've posted on my lj, really haven't had the time really been really busy with school, Among other things that I'm trying to get into that involve game design, Ever since I quit Nightmare, Ive been driven harder to be a game designer especially when I heard that bastard was saying that he didnt think that I was going to make in game design, So Ive started learning more languages to program in so far I already know Visual Basic, and now with my intro to data structures class, ive been pretty much been teaching myself c++, even though now i have found out that they are finally going to have a c++ class here at the school! Dear funky lord it was about time, and I'm also about to start learning Directx. So yeah my head hurts all the time now because of all the Code wise. But im also trying to be more than just a normal programmer im trying to get into level design, right now im designing my first level in the sandbox editor that crytek makes so if you guys have farcry for the pc, I want to know so you can try out my level, and as soon as gears of war for the pc comes out me and allday are going to throw in and get it so I can get the Unreal engine and start creating levels in that as well. Im hoping by trying to learn all of this, it will lead to my ultimate goal of lead designer some day, But yeah that is where im at right now, my other two classes are intro to 3d modeling and html/css class. God before I knew about dreamweaver when i went to Bessemer state, I had to type all my html in notepad haha, but with dreamweaver css and html is soooo freaking easy. Intro to 3d modeling was kicking my but at first but im actually starting to like, and i found out that i can sculpt better in 3d, than i could with actual clay and shit. anyways I hope everyone is doing well !