Feb 19, 2009 20:40
take that, subject-based file directory structure!!
phfear my alternative business function based proposal, the ceo is considering you.
you have no chance to survive make your time
i can has booze and tired
what you say?????
information be found!
but srsly, it is very odd to be calling on my university studies, and doing something that actually no-one in the company is more qualified (at least on paper) to do.
srsly disturbing, and worrisome
but if it all goes ahead and actually works, i get my local work and reknown sorted. signifigant pluses to reputation. then i can go for state, rinse, lather an repeat. then national. then international. then finally with proven experinece and ability i can go to the U.N and then it's pretty much as good as it gets.
what a pity i'm pretty much drunk now...
that's been a standard thing for a number of years but hey at least I'm not alone.
it's all on the up, pending what the ceo thinks of mu idead :)
random gibberish,