Apr 02, 2005 23:19
therobfather3: hey
m0ntastic: hi
therobfather3: what's up?
m0ntastic: my mom just told me i'm going to church at 6:30am tomorrow
m0ntastic: what
m0ntastic: the
m0ntastic: fuck
therobfather3: woah
therobfather3: ouch
therobfather3: craz
therobfather3: y
m0ntastic: hahaha
m0ntastic: i made my brother a myspace
m0ntastic: it's so retarted
therobfather3: lol
therobfather3: how fun
therobfather3: i'm going to play more solitaire
therobfather3: and listen to more music
therobfather3: and be emo again!
therobfather3: lmao
therobfather3: only not
m0ntastic: better not
therobfather3: um, oh wait
therobfather3: except for that part where i do what i want
therobfather3: and not what you say
therobfather3: biiiitch
m0ntastic: fine
m0ntastic: go
m0ntastic: leave
therobfather3: shut up, you love me
m0ntastic: no
therobfather3: um, oh yeah
therobfather3: liar
m0ntastic: wait, i was going to ignore you, but then i've just decided i dont want to be another one of those annoying, stupid girls who get pissed over stupid shit. so,yeah.
therobfather3: were you really going to ignore me? :(
therobfather3: :'(
therobfather3: now i'm very sad
m0ntastic: hah
therobfather3: meanie
therobfather3: i WAS going to tell you that you were one of my best friends, and that we've been through a lot
therobfather3: but not anymore!
therobfather3: fool
therobfather3: i take back everything we've been through
therobfather3: okay no really. wtf are you doing that's sooo distracting?!
m0ntastic: i'm sleepy
m0ntastic: hahahaha
m0ntastic: i just fell alseep on my keyboard
therobfather3: ...
therobfather3: i think that's a sign
therobfather3: that you should, y'know
therobfather3: kinda...
therobfather3: go to bed
therobfather3: fool
therobfather3: io
m0ntastic: no
therobfather3: why?
therobfather3: ...
therobfather3: PS
therobfather3: wake up
m0ntastic: hi
therobfather3: lol
therobfather3: loser
m0ntastic: i'm reading my friend's huuuuge post on her adventure at the toc tour
m0ntastic: in sd
therobfather3: lol
therobfather3: fun
therobfather3: meanie
therobfather3: i WAS going to tell you that you were one of my best friends, and that we've been through a lot
therobfather3: but not anymore!
therobfather3: fool
therobfather3: i take back everything we've been through
m0ntastic: aaaaaaaahahhaaha i did not see that
therobfather3: hahaha
therobfather3: you ARE a loser
therobfather3: <3
therobfather3: gosh
m0ntastic: shut upppp i dont have my glasses or contacts onnnn
therobfather3: losur
m0ntastic: shut upp
therobfather3: chut up
therobfather3: stoopi'
m0ntastic: hahahaha
m0ntastic: MY MOM'S LANGUAGE
therobfather3: there's my mexican accent
therobfather3: lmao
therobfather3: hahaha
m0ntastic: CHUT UP, ESTUPI
therobfather3: hahahaha
therobfather3: gangster messkin
m0ntastic: shittt fa realllio
therobfather3: that's what i am
therobfather3: essay
m0ntastic: ughhh robby i wanna go to sleep
m0ntastic: but id ont
therobfather3: yes you do
m0ntastic: i'm making my pigtails now
therobfather3: lmao
therobfather3: why do you sleep in pigtails?
therobfather3: that's not hot
therobfather3: rofl
m0ntastic: because my hair has gotten way to fucking longggggg
therobfather3: it's not going to choke you!
m0ntastic: and i hate it when i'm asleep and i feel the hair on my neck
therobfather3: hahaha
therobfather3: it'll just look like it's caressing your body
therobfather3: ahahahahaha
therobfather3: wow, i'm a freak
m0ntastic: yeah
therobfather3: no wonder nobody likes me
therobfather3: hahaha
m0ntastic: you areee
m0ntastic: freakkk
m0ntastic: i likey you
m0ntastic: freak
therobfather3: whatever
m0ntastic: :-)
therobfather3: i don't need you
therobfather3: or your harassment
m0ntastic: freak a leak robby
therobfather3: whore
m0ntastic: asshole
therobfather3: bitttcchhh
therobfather3: i love that word
m0ntastic: pendojooo
m0ntastic: idiotaaaa
m0ntastic: culeroooo
m0ntastic: perooo
therobfather3: pero.. isn't that but?
m0ntastic: dumbass, idiot, asshole, bitch
therobfather3: i thought it was but
m0ntastic: yes
m0ntastic: pero = but
m0ntastic: perro = female doggy
therobfather3: .. so then how does it mean bitch?
therobfather3: lmao
therobfather3: you and your damn crazy ass messkin language
therobfather3: wtf
therobfather3: making no sense at all
m0ntastic: shhhhh
therobfather3: that's why i failed
therobfather3: it
m0ntastic: i know
m0ntastic: stupid
therobfather3: cause you made it make no sense
therobfather3: slut
therobfather3: <3 :-D
m0ntastic: i hate you
m0ntastic: with a passion
therobfather3: any passion is still passion.
therobfather3: let's do it
therobfather3: hahahaha
m0ntastic: hahah losar
therobfather3: i've gone crazy
therobfather3: if you haven't noticed
m0ntastic: me too
therobfather3: no
therobfather3: you've always crazy
therobfather3: stoopi
m0ntastic: shut upppppppppppp
m0ntastic: noooooo
m0ntastic: i'm gonna cryyyyyyyyyyyy
m0ntastic: ahhhhhhhhhhh
therobfather3: lmao
m0ntastic: slepp
m0ntastic: me
m0ntastic: go
therobfather3: too much of one letter!
m0ntastic: go go
m0ntastic: gogurts
therobfather3: this is something you'd see in a Noodleboy comic
m0ntastic: donkey
therobfather3: ..
therobfather3: go, go, gobots
therobfather3: Transformers!
m0ntastic: hi donkey former kaksd
therobfather3: kaksd...
m0ntastic: i l ove the sundshine
therobfather3: *cough cough*
therobfather3: hahahaha
m0ntastic: hahaahahah
therobfather3: turn your head to the side and cough twice
m0ntastic: i love the sunshine
m0ntastic: wtffffffff
therobfather3: haha
therobfather3: you know you wanna
m0ntastic: no
m0ntastic: go away donkey
therobfather3: fresh donkey meat
therobfather3: .. yum
m0ntastic: ewwwwww
therobfather3: or something
m0ntastic: EWWWWWWWWW
therobfather3: look you chut up estoopi!!!
m0ntastic: hahahahaha
therobfather3: i'll cut you!
m0ntastic: no
m0ntastic: because you love me
m0ntastic: like a lot
therobfather3: like a no
m0ntastic: hahahaah buuuuuuuurn
therobfather3: owndedededededededed
m0ntastic: thanks
therobfather3: bitchchchchchchchchchchchchchchch
m0ntastic: i'm going to go now, becease you dont love me
m0ntastic: because
m0ntastic: you
therobfather3: becheese
m0ntastic: hate
m0ntastic: me
therobfather3: gosh
therobfather3: just shut up right now monica
therobfather3: hey guess what
therobfather3: it's time for the happy dance time
therobfather3: ...
therobfather3: you dare to betray the happy dancers?!
therobfather3: i have a cheese croissant.
m0ntastic: chut uppp, you told me to shut up
m0ntastic: so i did
m0ntastic: stoopi
therobfather3: happy dance.
therobfather3: NOW
m0ntastic: nooooooo i'm toooooooooo sleeepyyyyyyyyyyyy
therobfather3: oh yeah?
therobfather3: oh yeah?!
therobfather3: okay.
m0ntastic: =)
therobfather3: i won a free 1 liter
therobfather3: of dr pepper
m0ntastic: so
m0ntastic: i dont care
therobfather3: a free one liter of the drink biiiitch
therobfather3: you're just jealous
m0ntastic: I
m0ntastic: DONT
m0ntastic: CAREEEEEEEE
therobfather3: cause the gods love me
m0ntastic: no
m0ntastic: they dont
therobfather3: l;kasjg
therobfather3: FIONE
m0ntastic: fione
m0ntastic: idiotaaaaaaaa
therobfather3: don't mock me
therobfather3: whore
m0ntastic: dont mock me
m0ntastic: whore
therobfather3: OHMGOSH
m0ntastic: OHMGOSH
therobfather3: monica is a slutttttttt
m0ntastic: monica is a sluttttttttttt, .....W AIT WTF FUCKERRRRRRRRRRRRR
therobfather3: ooooh, ownded like a bitchhh
therobfather3: bitchhh
m0ntastic: fine
m0ntastic: bye
therobfather3: bwa
therobfather3: ha
therobfather3: ha
therobfather3: ah
therobfather3: fsklj
therobfather3: eyb
therobfather3: uh no
therobfather3: you're a liar
therobfather3: you fucking lie like a liar face
therobfather3: liar
therobfather3: i iknow
therobfather3: you
therobfather3: are
therobfather3: a
therobfather3: liar
therobfather3: you
therobfather3: estooooooooopi' liar
m0ntastic: :'(
therobfather3: OWNDEDED
therobfather3: I TOLDED YOUUU
therobfather3: hey monica
therobfather3: wanna know a secret?
m0ntastic: you suck?
therobfather3: ...
therobfather3: no.
therobfather3: ..
therobfather3: dammit!
m0ntastic: hahahaa
therobfather3: yes
m0ntastic: awww
m0ntastic: you dont
therobfather3: how the hell did you find outtt?!?!
m0ntastic: you dont
therobfather3: i told no one!
m0ntastic: you suck A LOT
therobfather3: gasp-a-roo!
m0ntastic: not just yousuck
therobfather3: dun dun dun
therobfather3: does the soup thicken?
m0ntastic: i want soup!
therobfather3: i want chicken
therobfather3: thicken chicken
therobfather3: bok bok bitch
m0ntastic: hahahahahaha
therobfather3: fuck i hate solitaire
therobfather3: suck my fat chicken
therobfather3: bitch game
m0ntastic: and it hates you
therobfather3: I'LL CUT YOU!!
therobfather3: tell them i hate them
m0ntastic: ='(
therobfather3: bok bok
m0ntastic: goodbye robby
therobfather3: i'm a chicken
therobfather3: WHAT?!
m0ntastic: byeeee
therobfather3: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyb
m0ntastic: bye bye bye
m0ntastic: nstink
m0ntastic: n*stink
therobfather3: yo mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bitch
m0ntastic: robby i just drew you on my hand
therobfather3: ...
therobfather3: lemme see
therobfather3: HAHA
therobfather3: NO
therobfather3: SHUT UP
m0ntastic: ...i didn't say anything
therobfather3: robby: haha, i love you monica
therobfather3: monica: shut up! you suck at life!
therobfather3: robby: *tear*
therobfather3: that's how YOU TREAT ME
therobfather3: SLUT
m0ntastic: wtffffffff
therobfather3: you knows it be true
therobfather3: yo
m0ntastic: you just called me a slut
m0ntastic: stupid
m0ntastic: i hate you
m0ntastic: i never loved you
therobfather3: el stupido
m0ntastic: ever
m0ntastic: ever
m0ntastic: ever
m0ntastic: ever
therobfather3: whatever!
therobfather3: monicaaaaa
m0ntastic: queeeeeee
therobfather3: you know i'm the greatest person to ever live
therobfather3: except for, like
therobfather3: every one
therobfather3: else
therobfather3: orf
therobfather3: ,...
therobfather3: orf..
therobfather3: hahaha
therobfather3: ...
m0ntastic: haha uhhhhhhhhh no
therobfather3: bok bok
therobfather3: bichhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
therobfather3: ..
m0ntastic: ...
therobfather3: + t
m0ntastic: hahahah
therobfather3: CHUT UP
m0ntastic: loser
therobfather3: FOOLIO
therobfather3: ESSAY
m0ntastic: ii hate you
m0ntastic: bye
therobfather3: you're tired
therobfather3: so shut up
therobfather3: you're DELUSIONAL
therobfather3: me too
therobfather3: i'm
therobfather3: WHAT?!
therobfather3: GOD
m0ntastic: ROBBY
m0ntastic: robby?
m0ntastic: robbyyyyyyyyyyyy
Dear Monica,
Cut that shit out.
Love, God
m0ntastic: fine
m0ntastic: bye
m0ntastic: ass
m0ntastic: kaka
therobfather3: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
therobfather3: i mean
therobfather3: noooooooooooooooooooo
therobfather3: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoonicaaaaaaaaaa
therobfather3: moon
therobfather3: acinom!!!!
m0ntastic: hahahaah
therobfather3: m'i gnikaeps sdrawkcab!
therobfather3: tros fo
therobfather3: i teb uoy t'nac ooooood sihtttt!
therobfather3: I'M DONE
m0ntastic: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooobbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
therobfather3: WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
therobfather3: OH
therobfather3: MY
therobfather3: GOSHHHHHHHHHH
therobfather3: monica
m0ntastic: HM?
therobfather3: hm?
therobfather3: WHAT DO YOU WANT?>!
m0ntastic: no. i dont. you suck.
therobfather3: WHAT
therobfather3: UM LIKE NO PHOOL
m0ntastic: yes
therobfather3: oh
therobfather3: shit
m0ntastic: yesyesyesyesyseyesy
therobfather3: no you di'int!
m0ntastic: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
m0ntastic: i did
therobfather3: orgasm?
m0ntastic: okay
m0ntastic: my mom
therobfather3: mongasm?
m0ntastic: ewwwwwwwwww
m0ntastic: mongasmic?
therobfather3: mongoose bitch!
therobfather3: mooooooooooooooooooongooooooooooooose
therobfather3: mmon
m0ntastic: nooooo
therobfather3: what do you want?!?!
m0ntastic: mormon
therobfather3: your mom
therobfather3: momgoose
m0ntastic: mom your
therobfather3: momica
m0ntastic: goosemom
m0ntastic: hahahaha
therobfather3: bitch
m0ntastic: mommmy
therobfather3: SHUT U
therobfather3: p
therobfather3: p
therobfather3: PPP
m0ntastic: k.
m0ntastic: bye.
therobfather3: KTHXBYE
therobfather3: kthxbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewhore
therobfather3: dude
therobfather3: where's your MONICA
m0ntastic: ionno
m0ntastic: i
m0ntastic: o
m0ntastic: no
therobfather3: ioyes
therobfather3: ion
m0ntastic: hahhaah
therobfather3: atom
therobfather3: science is fun
m0ntastic: ew
m0ntastic: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
therobfather3: He = Helium
m0ntastic: i hate you
therobfather3: (S)He =
therobfather3: DUMB
m0ntastic: noooo go away
therobfather3: uh like no this is my house you dumb head
therobfather3: GUMBY
therobfather3: i have gumby boxers
m0ntastic: so
therobfather3: so they rock your friggin house down
therobfather3: and shit
m0ntastic: k
therobfather3: k
m0ntastic: kk
m0ntastic: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
therobfather3: kk.. i almost put another k!
therobfather3: gasp
therobfather3: bad thing for a white person to do
m0ntastic: mhm
therobfather3: ohmgosh
m0ntastic: but youre mexican
m0ntastic: k
therobfather3: OH YEAH
therobfather3: I'M A MESSKIN BITCHH
therobfather3: I'LL SHANK YOU
m0ntastic: messkinnnnnnnnn
therobfather3: you mom
therobfather3: OOOH
therobfather3: TU MADRE
m0ntastic: ...
therobfather3: BITHHHCCCCC
therobfather3: i spelled that wrong?
therobfather3: um
therobfather3: when is this going to end
m0ntastic: ...
therobfather3: GO TO BED WHORE
m0ntastic: ihateyou
therobfather3: ihatemyself MORE THAN YOU
therobfather3: SO CHUT UPPPPP
m0ntastic: good.
therobfather3: estoopi
terobfather3: you suck
m0ntastic: ilu222222222
m0ntastic: go to bedddddddd
m0ntastic: hey robbyyyyyyyyyyy
therobfather3: hi
m0ntastic: guess what
therobfather3: whatttt?
m0ntastic: uh
m0ntastic: bok bok
therobfather3: hahahano
therobfather3: oh man
therobfather3: i'm totally putting this whole conversation into my lj
therobfather3: except this part
therobfather3: up to the point where you got off
therobfather3: line
m0ntastic: lol
m0ntastic: okay
m0ntastic: bed
m0ntastic: now
m0ntastic: me
m0ntastic: go
m0ntastic: kkkkkkkk
therobfather3: okayyyy
therobfather3: <333 night monica
m0ntastic: awww no "sweet dreams" or anything?!?!? bitchhhhhhhhhhh that's why you suck at life
therobfather3: LMAO
therobfather3: whatever whoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
therobfather3: <3 :)
m0ntastic: okay, that's it. i'm never talking to you again. i'm sooo serious.
therobfather3: uh but you love me so that's going to be kind of hardd
m0ntastic: ( iloveyouuuuuuuuu <333 :-))
m0ntastic: fuck
m0ntastic: kbye
m0ntastic: hahah
therobfather3: bwahahahahahaha bok bok bye
m0ntastic: wait
m0ntastic: i dont wanna og
m0ntastic: go
m0ntastic: bleh
m0ntastic: k
m0ntastic: bye
therobfather3: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
And then she got offline cause she's a whorey slut who I love.