It's the final round! Congratulations to our remaining participants!
1. Only the following can enter:
annieohhhhyes breaded_fish fare_lady2. You are going to be given 10 days to complete your entries. One (1) reminder will be given. So keep your eye out for it. Deadline : Wednesday December 7, 2011
3. Icons should fit LJ standards (only 100x100, 40 kb or less)
4. All effects are allowed except Blending/Animation
5. No posting of your icons anywhere until the challenge is finished
6. Each participant has to submit an icon for the following: (that means we need FOUR (4) icons)
Part 1
Use this photo and add a bit of color to it!
Part 2
Use one of these textures in an icon with any photo of Rob.
textures by
driftingaway Part 3
Use at least two of these photos.
Part 4
Use this photo, crop it and keep it textless and textureless.
Good luck! If you've got any questions, feel free to comment and ask.