This is the final voting for Round 03 LIMS! Please be sure and vote, all votes count. All
robstills members are welcome to vote. The only members who are not allowed to vote in this challenge are the last four participants:
belulah lillianporter xoaubeox electricskiess LIMS VOTING:
1. Vote as a comment in this post.
2. Vote for ONE (1) favorite icon per section. Please give your reasons.
3. Vote for ONE (1) icon of lesser quality. Please give your reasons.
4. Votes without reasons won't be counted.
5. Do NOT vote against or for your icon; your vote won't count, and do not get others to vote for you.
6. Do NOT post your icons until after the voting is done.
7. Vote fairly please. Do not give personal reasons. It should be structured professionally, pertaining to the icon's textures/colors/texts/effects. For example:
(example of what it should look like)
lesser #95: Is a bit over sharpened, needs more colors.
(example of what it should NOT look like)
lesser #97: I hate the way the picture is cropped and I hate this icon.
That is a personal reason and will not count. No (I's). Instead, explain why with structure
8. Voting is opened till August 23rd 2010
Part 01
(use of texture)
Part 02
(behind the scene icons)
Part 03
(use more than one of the required photos)
Favorite Icon in Part 1: number - reason
Favorite Icon in Part 2: number - reason
Favorite Icon in Part 3: number - reason
Every vote is needed! So please be sure to read the rules and vote correctly! Please take note especially of rule #7. The winner will be placed in our community profile.