Mar 20, 2005 23:08
Hmm i decided i should update this thing in case i want too look back when im like 42 years old. The last two or three weeks have been crazay. Time is fleeting i suppose. Anyhow we lost at our hiq semifinal. it was sad. But the season ended out great with a really nice dinner. Hanging out with coz and i dunno if just WARMTH. pure warmth. Our quartet didnt do so hot at gresham but it was cool just being able to play. what else........ OK yEah damn NCAA bracket im loosing now. WHy did GA TECH let me down??!?! I got in the uw if that means anything with my 3.4 gpa. Maybe they liked my retarded essay. I wrote about the robster craws and i think my last line went something like "I think i finally know what a robster is. We are team. We are a team of nerds going all in, in an attempt to achieve academic glory!!"
Oh yeah can someone explain what this ipex bra is. what does the most advanced bra in the world supossed to mean?