In case you all were wondering...

May 13, 2009 21:01

This is the last I'm posting about this. I've had to explain to several people on my friends list what happened in comments so I've decided to just post it all here for you all to read. I'm also not friends locking this, so anyone who wants to come see why I'm not on _twat anymore can see what happened.

I was banned from ontd_twatlight this morning for no reason at all. It was basically because I'm friends with some people that were falsely accused of doing something and also banned. I've been as nice as can be to everyone on _twat, I've never been involved in ANY form of drama, including what happened last night. I was in bed for most of it, but did pop on late in the night when my boyfriend woke me coming to bed. I checked some of it out (clicked some links posted ON THE COMM), laughed a bit at the lulz and went back to bed. I wake up this morning and couldn't access the comm.

Being that I don't associate myself with drama on twat, the only reason I can think of as to why I was banned is from association. Being friends with the other three that got banned is what got me banned. Which is complete BULLSHIT. That theory also doesn't make much sense though, because NOBODY else associated with these three was banned, just me. So that leads me to believe the mods had some unspoken problem with me that I was unaware of (and still am, as I've been nothing but nice to all of them) and were just itching for a reason to ban me. So I used the "page-a-mod" on twat to ask why I was banned.

This was at about noon PST. vulva responded back fairly quickly, telling me to hold tight, and she'd have some answers for me. Well, EIGHT HOURS LATER and I've gotten NO response. I paged them again, POLITELY asking AGAIN why I was banned, and if they wanted to keep me banned for NO REASON, so be it, but that I thought I deserved some answers.

Well, it's been another hour, and I have STILL gotten no response. I know vulva has been online, as she has responded to one of the others that has been banned several times. Not to mention, there's what, four other mods that can respond to me too? I did "page-a-mod" not "page-a-vulva".

All I'm asking for is answers. I'm not being rude, I'm not being disrespectful, I'm just asking for what I think I deserve.

I love most of the people on twat and will miss them all terribly. You guys are brought big smiles to my faces when I needed it most. Having that taken away from me for NO REASON just seems unbelievably unfair to me, and I don't think I'm unjustified in asking for an explanation.

I'm tired of this stressing me out and I HATE that I'm letting it bother me as much as I am. But it's the principle of the thing. I deserve to know why I was banned, regardless of if they want to admit they were wrong or if they want to let me back into the comm.

EDITED TO ADD (Cause I'm not wasting a whole 'nother journal entry on this drama): The mods got back to me. I got an apology but STILL no reason as to why I was banned in the first place. Just that I should "understand" that they were taking "precautions." My "name is cleared" and I'm officially unbanned. But you know what? Screw it. I'm not giving them the satisfaction of showing them that I care that much. If THEY cared, they wouldn't have banned me in the first place; they would have done their research before jumping the gun and just assuming I was a part of something I LITERALLY had NOTHING to do with. So I'm not rejoining ontd_twatlight. Some other info has come to my attention that really shows some peoples true colors, and I want NOTHING to do with people like that, online or in real life. So, it was fun _twat, thanks for the laughs, but WE ARE FUCKING DONE PROFESSIONALLY.

If you stumble over from _twat, and still want to be my friend WITHOUT being a DRAMA LLAMA, add me! I still love so many of you over there and I'll miss you all. :)

b& hammer time (ucanttouchthis), blasphemy, meh?, drama llama, your mom, fuckery, internet fail, epicness, dis is wrong edward, we are fucking done professionally, jump on the b&wagon, peace out bitches, derpderp

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