I stand with the Jews! I stand with Israel!

Feb 17, 2013 12:32

What a lady she was!

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I find it shameful, that in Italy there should be a  procession of individuals dressed as a suicide bombers, who spew vile hatred towards Israel, hold up photographs of Israeli leaders, on whose foreheads they have drawn the swastika, that incite people to hate the Jews, and who in order to send Jews once again in the extermination camps, in the gas chambers, in the ovens of Dachau and Mauthausen and Buchenvald
and Bergen Belsen et cetera, would sell their own mother to a harem.

I find it shameful that the Catholic Church should permit a bishop, one with lodging in the Vatican no less, to participate in that procession and plant himself in front of a microphone to thank in the name of God the suicide bombers, who massacre the Jews in pizzerias and supermarkets...to call them  "martyrs who go to their deaths as to a party."

I find it shameful, that in France, the France of Liberty- Equality-Fraternity they burn synagogues, terrorize the Jews, profane their cemeteries...

I find it shameful that in Holland and Germany and Denmark the youngsters flaunt the kaffiah just as Mussolini's avant- garde used to flaunt the club and the fascist badge.
I have often had disagreements with the Israelis, ugly ones, and in the past I have defended the Palestinians a great deal. Maybe more that they deserved, taking into consideration that in the World War II, they favored Hitler.

But I stand with Israel,  I stand with the Jews. I stand just as I stood as a young girl during the time, when I fought with them, I defend the right to exist, to defend theselves, to not let themselves be exterminated a second time. And disgusted by the antisemitism of many Italians and many Europeans.

I am ashamed of this shame that dishonors my country and Europe. At best if is not a community of states but a pit of Pontius Pilates. And even if all the inhabitants of this planet were to think otherwise, I would continue to think so....
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