Men And Women What It's All About. Part 1 of 2

Jun 18, 2001 16:50

Since I want both the thoughts of males and females I think I will go ahead and voice my mind on the two sexes. First we look at the male, but tomorrow we will get to the female and respond to any questions or remarks you may have. A male wants to be the "boss" wear the "pants" in the relationship, he be-leaves he is suppose to be strong to impress the women and push away the guys. He does not share his feelings because it my make him sound "like a female" or "gay". When with other guys he will drink beer,watch a game, burp, fart, talk about women, look at women, think about sex, and/or wish he was having sex instead of hanging around with a lot of beer drinking horny gas bags. This is your (Pig) male, nice hmm? Next we have the (Dog) Male. He will make small smart ass remarks about women but not ofter, he will spend time with you but more with his friends and goofin off, when he can do some thing for him self ( such as...hmmm wash some cloths, wash dishes, clean house, get his own socks/shoes, get up off his butt and get his own dink/snack/ect..) he tells the gf/wife to do it or another, sleeps around on his gf/wife, looks at other women and makes remarks about the in front of his gf/wife, and just like the other he will not share his feelings and does not understand women because he thinks it would be "gay" or "he would sound like a female". Next is the (gay} male. The women love him or should i say some women, because he some what understands them but the big problem is he is a fruit loop, (dogs and pigs) do not like him, in fact most hate him, the (rare) does not pay much attention. Last we have a (rare) male. These are the hard to find ones all the women say they never she and wish they had, yeah of course because he is a rare, on top of that the beer drinking gas bags and the flea infested mutts scare him. When with the opposite sex he is free to express his feelings, not just in private but in the open, some of the rares may understand some what ( not all ) what women want, need, or go through. He has the same needs as a woman, he needs to be held, loved, needed by his other, to need another, and to be listened to. Hmmm sounds like the stuff that most women need, guess what it is. All guys need this, they just dont want to say it or share it ( maybe even with their gf/wife)A rare will take care of himself only after his family. He listens and understands what a woman is saying or trying to say, but is not perfect and that is why he needs from a woman. ( If you have any questions about men, their thoughts, or actions there is a lot more I can tell you, Ladies respond and let me know what kind of male you have and why you think that, if you disagree with these views respond please because not all my thoughts on this has been posted or may be true. If you have some thing to say that you do not want posted then write me at or if you have AOL or AIM then IM me at kenju6tama and voice your thought on the subject "Men And Women What It's All About") Good day, Good night, and Dogfood. Part 1/2
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