Mar 21, 2007 23:26
today was pretty fun, besides school.
i'm growing very weary towards school altogether and have developed an apathetic attitude towards the subjects and my so-called peers.
i can really feel the senioritis weighing heavily in the air, clouding thought, maligning the spirit with dreariness, disdain, and the doldrums. it sucks.
i left period 7 on senior contract and swung around the back of the school to try and catch john and ryan, running into sylvain bolting out the back door on my way.
they followed me to the front hoping to get a ride to vera's from phoebe, who was waiting and talking to collin.
unfortunately a teacher came up and grilled us about our presence, and we decided to all move along to avoid the presence of 'coach suss'.
phoebe drove ryan, john and i to dunky's to cash in on free iced coffee day, chilled for a bit, dropped them all off wherever.
got to phoebe's house where i received a text carrying the bad news that some apprently bitchy teacher caught them skipping and they all got pointed out. i really feel bad for them, since sylvain's already in hot water, eek.
picked up collin and went to china p for msg-laden foodstuffs, then went to collin's while phoebe drove her mum to the hospital to meet her meme.
josh and collin and i embarked upon a coffee adventure, planning to scour the area seeking the fruits of many free iced coffees.
we tried to find some disguises at wal-mart but to no avail. we found phag though, just as good, i hadn't seen him in a while and i liked his hair.
then just went and got some coffee.
then went and got more coffee, i got a black no sugar but i was sick of coffee at that point and didn't finish it.
then went sledding and carousing about and collin bragged of his abilities at designing his name upon the snow with that which god hath bestowed unto him.
went back to phoebe's and baked and hopped on a pogo stick and found cool clothes. collin will be looking sharp tomorrow in a red plaid button shirt, watch out ladies.
talked about identity, i thought of something i read of a while back and finally found it; it's called koan but with a line over the o. it's a really cool concept, one which is somewhat difficult to convey but if you're bored or curious mebbe give it a wiki shot.
so it's been a while since i've updated.
i haven't really felt any motivation to.
a lot of things have been lurking in and about my mind, not really in the mood to detail my thoughts but perhaps another time when i am less tired.
tomorrow i hope to go to the beach.
and friday i plan to LAZER TAG it up with some peoples.
i still read ljs and such even if i don't always comment.
i wish people would stop leaving lj, i think it's a much better social tool than myspace. myspaces are just self-contrived identities. and facebook, meh, useful for pictures and such but too public for my taste, and i fear it's becoming the next myspace but worse. i don't like feeling obligated to add people to my facebook because i'm forced to interact with them five days a week for the next several months.
i wonder if i should just turn this all into friends-only? it'd be kind of a bother since the new mass-privacy edit tool's only for paid customers.
i'm a bit uneasy regarding the future of livejournal as a website. i dunno what they're up to.
well sleeping -
good times,