Crossover - Fic Rec

Apr 23, 2011 20:30

Dawn Winchester 'Verse
By: steamfan


1 - Dawn Winchester?: Dawn isn't a clone of Buffy. She is her daughter, fathered by John Winchester. When Glory gets to close, Willow sends Dawn to John for protection. John then sends Sam & Dean to help the Scoobies kill her.

2 - Lemmings vs The Hellmouth: John finally meets Buffy just in time to join in to prevent an apocalypse caused by a hoard of lemming-like demons that if not stopped will climb into the Hellmouth causing it to open.

3 - Life Goes On: As summer passes things heat up. Faith is released from prison prematurely, wisked away from the Council, and falls for Dean. Dawn makes her first kill at a slumber party. The YED makes a final strike at the Winchesters and the only way to stop them is for Dean to learn how to control his new powers.

4 - Father's Day Traditions: Dean and Sam let Dawn in on their Father's Day Tradition of hand-made cards and practical gifts.

5 - A Short Trip to New York: Crossover with L&O: SVU. Dawn shoots Det. Stabler when he walks in on her taking a shower after the motel manager reports John as a possible pediphile.

6 - Closing the Sunnydale Hellmouth: Tremors, Stargate, and L&O: SVU crossovers. Things heat up on the Hellmouth while Sam and John are beseiged by vision of young girls being killed. Young potentials are evacuated off-world and older potentials are given the choice of becoming slayers. Dean figures out that the colt can kill the First.

7 - Mother's Day: Crossover with Ghost Rider. John & Buffy are having visions about the Ghost Rider and decide to take a road trip, with Dean and Dawn, for mother's day to locate the Rider.

8 - Setting Up the New Council: WIP Crossover with Ghost Rider, Boondock Saints, Sentinel, L&O: SVU, Stargate, and James Bond. As the Council is being re-formed, the slayers face a new threat in the form of a a Goa'uld Queen.

While you are there, be sure to check out the rest of her fics.

rec, boondocksaints, sentinel, supernatural, btvs, l&o:svu, stargate:sg-1, crossover, jamesbond, het, withoutatrace, ghostrider
