Ever Forward...to next year!

Aug 09, 2007 11:15


NEXT year, I will turn 40. For those of you what are numerologically
inclined, this will happen on 08/08/08, which will also be a warm
friday evening in August.

I want to start planning now. I will be saving money for this event,
and wish to erect nothing short of The Party Tent in my backyard for
the coming of my 40th Birthaversary.

What I would LOVE to have happen, and thus will strive to make it so,
it to have my dearest friends and family with me on that Friday,
setting up the tent, working like busy Hobbits of the Shire (frequent
breaks, lots of drinking) to turn my backyard into a sylvan expanse
by nightfall. Once the tent is up, the lights are hung, and the
booze flowing, my select group of friends gathers beneath the tent
for laughter, firelflies, talking and perhaps singing. Fires will be
lit, giggles will be had.

The following day, the Saturday, will be the big blowout party with
everyone and their least favoured relative in attendence. That party
will be loud, crazy and messy...but all during the day, we can look
at each other and smile, warmed not only by the summer sun, but by
the memories of that more intimate night before.

What say you? Can you save the date(s)?



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