I am always late to the parties...

Jun 07, 2007 10:28

...but fine, here is the question and answer thingy that all y'all have done to death. Basically, this is just my desperate way to find out how many of would kiss me, so you can skip to that question if it behooves you....or DEhooves you, if you are a satyr ( Read more... )


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myr3volution June 7 2007, 15:02:26 UTC

1. Your Middle Name: Elaine
. What you *wish* your name was: Never really thought about it o.O

2. Age: 20
. How old you'd want to (be/have been) when time (stops/stopped): 26-ish..

3. Single or Taken: single
. Would you kiss me anyway? probably not. ^^v;

4. Favorite Movie: I have too many to list. but fight club, little miss sunshine, chungking express, and empire strikes back are usually floating around my top 5 in whatever order..
. Why?: They all have their qualities that I really liked. And I can watch them all over and over again without getting tired of them.

5. Favorite Song or Album: I'd have to say Either of the albums 'Vulgar' or 'Withering to death' by dir en grey. Probably Vulgar.
. Most embarrassing album you own: I'm not really embarrassed of any of my music... I do have some christina aguilera floating around somewhere though. Just in case I need it for something. Though I don't know what I would need it for... o_O

6. Favorite Band/Artist: Hrrrm. I went through like... 6 year phases with metallica and dir en grey. so they're tied. even though I think metallica's latest albume suuuuuuuuucked.
. Artist you'd most like to sleep with: hmmm... let me think back to my highschool fangirl days... probably the vocalist of dir en grey. He's fucking crazy. haha.

7. Dirty or Clean: clean plz.
. What about when you're alone for a week? still clean.

8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: at one point I had 7 piercings...
. Favorite place to be bitten: nowhere. especially during the zombie apocalypse!

9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? well. aim is outside of lj I guess.
. What do you think of me? I admire your courage for having a kid.

10. What's your philosophy on life? My philosophy on life is to not have a philosophy on life
. Do you follow your own life philosophy, really? yes.
. What's your philosophy on death? better dead than undead!

11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? I'd say half full. But I'm not an optimist.
. What's it being filled with? I'd say water..

12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? depends on the secret
. Are you doing so, already? nope
. Come on, tell me! nothing to tell!

13. What is your favorite memory of us? random aim hatbot causing our first meeting on the internet
. What makes it stand out? you're the only person I've stayed in contact with from the hatbot.
. And your favorite fantasy? about you? Uhh.. that you give me more art comissions :P?

14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure? sleeping in
. In more detail, please. sleeping in on the couch in my basement because it's soooo comfy?
. Whoah! Are you worried that everyone will find out? Not really

15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I can play a long-ish list of instruments fairly well.
. Huh. No kidding. Could you make any money with that? maybe. if I had more than two arms..

16. You can have three wishes (for yourself). What are they?
1) to dissolve any borders of countries and the like so I can travel to my hearts content without a passport
2) to be one of the last people on earth so I can wander through abandoned cities
3) the power to fly
. Come on, those are just your public, 'tell people on LJ wishes'. What about your REAL deep, dark desires? I read ahead and did this question already :P

17. Can we get together and make a cake? that might be slightly problematic with the whole living in different countries thing.
. Who do we--together--present this cake to?
no idea!

18. Which country is your spiritual home? no idea
. Which country is your spiritual home at war with? ...

19. What is your big weakness? I'm lazy :P
. No, the one you *don't* want us to know about!
I'm an emotional cripple? haha.

20. Do you think I'm a good person? yep
. But everybody has a bad side. What is mine? I really haven't known you long enough to figure that one out..


myr3volution June 7 2007, 15:02:37 UTC

21. What was your best/favorite subject at school? music/art/english were usually on the same level
. Which was your least? maaaaaaath D:
. Who was your hottest teacher? Mr. Harvey? grade 9 english.
. Coincidence? I think not. actually I did best in grade 11 english..

22. Describe your accent: er.. english canadian
. Describe mine: never heard you talk ^^

23. If you could change anything about me, would you? nope
. Ah, how sweet of you. If you could change anything about how I felt about you, or how we related, would you? nope..

24. What do you wear to sleep? pj pants and an old t shirt
. What do you wear to impress? shoes that make me taller.

25. Trousers or skirts? PAAAAAAAAAANTS
. And underneath? underwear o_O;

26. Cigarettes or alcohol? alcohol
. Your best experience with either? well. my funniest, getting trashed out of my tree at a gay bar and making out with a girl named cheryl. who had nice boobs.
. Your worst? I suppose that could also be construed as the worst.. haha.

27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? I dunno. talk about star wars :P?
. What if *you* only had one day to live? same.

28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? well... since you're the second person to ask. I suppose...


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