So, I found some of my Eels CDs. I am quite relieved...I was a little worreid because I really have no idea where they all went. It's not really like me to lose CDs...much less Eels CDs.
(Plugging Eels Here)
Since I found some of them, I've started to listen to them all again. Eels are just simply amazing. They fit somewhere between life and sublime. Quite beautiful, really. It's funny, I have all of these crazy ass memories attatched to them. Anytime I hear Daises of the Galaxy (which is my personal favorite album, I've decided) I always picture going down to the beach in TJ's car. Such wonderful memories. Word on the street is that there is a new Eels album in the works. Actually, I can verify this because they are releasing a new song on their website,, every tuesday. It's turning out to be a really good CD, what I heard is pretty reminiscent of their other stuff...not quite as hard-rocking as Souljacker, but it will still "rock your face off".
So yeah...Eels are good.
(end plug here)