Feb 28, 2008 21:08
You know, I always thought I was kind of lame for this, but it was just today that I relized I've actually reached the point of creepy; there is pictures of Hayley Williams surrounding my bed. I have a paramore and a Hayley Williams poster above my bed. I have a small paramore poster next to my bed, and I'm about to put up a picture of her from Rolling Stone. I'm lame and creepy. But I like waking up to her ;)
I've started working pretty hard on my book.
I have about three stories done, about to finish a fourth, the longest of them so far [when it's done it'll be about 10 pages in wordperfect, which will be about 18 when I make it booksize] and I'm really liking it. It's most likely going to be eight stories long. There will be lyrics, drawings, other random shit all over the place. I really think it's going to turn out cool.
In like 18 days I'm going into coreys studio and laying down some tracks for I Am The Shark. It's such a fucking challenge to sing over this stuff, but it should be pretty cool. There will also be a rockin' track that I'm excited to finally put vocals to.
anyway, heres to hoping this weekend is as fun as the passed two.