Hard to Live in the City by Albert Hammond Jr.
Name/Alias: Sarge
Personal LJ:
swivelchairAIM: Msgt Girlfriend
Character: Skyfire; alias: jett saka
Fandom: Transformers G1
Character age: "27"
Residence: Upper East Side, Manhattan
Occupation: Scientist; probably of the nuclear physicist variety
Reserved Character? No
Canon or AU? AR
Supernatural powers? He...he was a GIANT robot. But powers? No, not anymore.
Wikipedia [or other] link to Canon Information:
HUR Anything else we should know? Niz-ope.
In-Game Backstory:
Skyfire was "born" on Cybertron millions of years ago, where he chose to pursue a life of learning, specifically in the fields of science and exploration. He spent many years in that particular profession, working with a dear friend of his named Starscream.
On one of their explorations, Skyfire and Starscream took to exploring an uncharted planet - our earth several million years ago. Unsatisfied with a precursory scan of the planet, Skyfire drew closer with the intent of further investigation - and was swept up by a wind storm that buried him within the ice of the Arctic circle.
Skyfire remained there, buried away in cryostasis, for several million years before being located by the Decepticons during one of their routine attempts to harvest Earth's energy. He was delighted to be reunited with his old friend and showed his support by siding with the Decepticons in their subsequent battle with the Autobots. However, when Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky, he "rescued" them - at least, that's what he thought he was doing. Working under the impression that he was on the "good" side, Skyfire took the humans to Megatron, having no idea the nature of Decepticon disgust and hostility towards humans. When he was ordered to prove his loyalty to the Decepticons by destroying the humans, Skyfire refused - his battle was not, after all, with them; he had no reason to harm them. In turn, he was gunned down by his old friend and left for dead.
It was Ratchet on the Autobot team who ultimately repaired Skyfire, pushing the scientist to the other side. Though his passion remained in the field of scientific exploration, he fought alongside the Autobots, sacrificing himself, re-burying himself within the ice, in order to save the planet.
Eventually, Skyfire was pulled back out of the ice. Though, oddly enough, it wasn't until the Autobots needed his help that they bothered to unfreeze him. Skyfire spent some time assisting the Autobots, engaging in their fights with the Decepticons, but as much as he valued the Autobot cause to protect Earth and, in conjunction, Cybertron, he lacked the spark of a warrior.
"Deserter" is what would be on his records if anyone ever managed to return to Cybertron, but Skyfire had been in cryostasis when the war began. Aside from his typically passive nature, he had no reason to fight for or against anyone, so he left them all, tucking himself away from everyone he could in order to return to the life of discoveries and experiments he had so loved before.
It was during one of these experiments - a reaction to an unstable compound of energon and organic materials he hadn't finished logging - that Skyfire lost not only his Cybertronian shape, but also his size. At the very least he could have been turned into a TALL human. But no.
But the reaction proved itself to be a blessing in disguise. Being one of the humans made it easier to blend in, to investigate the science of this world, and Skyfire learned quickly how to transition into the human way of life. Not without his strange quirks, of course, but in a city as large as New York, few people give him extra attention.
Set I.
Would you rather learn everything there is to know, or experience everything there is to experience?
Hmmm...well, I think it would be best to know everything there is to know first. After all, learning and knowing are the very base of science. And, once you know how to do things, you have the chance to experience them without so much possibility for...unwelcome recoils.
Do you believe in God?
God? Ah, yes! The human Creator. Well...I can't say that I do. Not in the sense that most humans do, at least. Humans look at God as a singular entity who is responsible for constructing all lives throughout the universe. However, I know that my planet was parented by the All Spark. So, unless there is evidence to show that the All Spark was created by this God, I can't say I believe in Him - it? - the way humans do. Our Creator was tangible. Factual. Theirs is a product of beliefs and stories.
What is your guilty pleasure?
The others at work spend quite a lot of time complaining about this particular subject, so I can only assume that it fits into this "guilty pleasure" category. I have a...certain fondness for what the humans refer to as reality shows. Personally, I think they offer a fascinating insight to the structure of human social systems and behavior. Plus, many of them are...particularly entertaining.
What is your favorite thing to do when you’re alone?
Read. The species of this planet has such a fondness for keeping their records in print. It's intriguing that even the most serious of subjects are produced into the same delicate format as their fictitious entertainment. Plus, there is a fascinating variety to pick through and it is an enjoyable past time when none of my favorites shows are on.
If you could solve any one current world crisis, which would you solve?
The same one I'm working to solve now. Admittedly, I have less resources here than if I were on Cybertron, but I have still made it my duty to assist this planet in properly utilizing its energy. They have so much potential, and yet, they are suffering a crises the likes of which I've never seen a species struggle through. While their durability is admirable, I think that things would be much quicker to develop here on Earth if the Earthlings themselves understood the depth of their potential.
Set II.
Describe how you met your best friend.
My best friend, at one point, was a Cybertronian named Starscream. He was quite brilliant, really, with an enthusiasm and passion that was quite...infectious. We met on his first or second day working in the labs, and hit it off quite well. Scientists have a way of bonding through their work, and we accomplished that. It helped that we often went out scouting expeditions as well, but...
I suppose time can change the spark. The scientist I cared very deeply for has been gone for many, many years.
Describe the worst thing you’ve ever done.
Back on Cybertron, if Cybertron is ever restored to what it once was, I will be labeled and forever known as a deserter to my people. No matter which side wins this war, I will have no place among them. I abandoned Starscream and the Decepticon's cause because I saw no purpose in it. We can learn from this planet; it doesn't deserve the destruction they're constantly doling out to it. But...regardless of my grievances with the Decepticons, I do not truly believe myself to be an Autobot, either. I may not agree with the Decepticons and their choices, but I was not a part of the war that raged on Cybertron and I did not develop the antagonistic feelings towards any one side.
So I left hem both. I know that my help has been quite beneficial to both sides in the past, but I am a scientist. Not a soldier. At least now, in this form, I should not run the risk of ever facing their disappointments.