Title: And The Songbirds Keep Singing
Rating: PG-13 [language]
Characters: Santana, OC (Santana's grandfather)
Words: 3,416
Warnings: Fear of and thoughts about homophobia
Summary: She walks on the curb like it’s a balance beam, one flip-flopped foot swinging carefully in front of the other, her arms out to balance her, fingers splayed. She doesn’t
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She chokes. It’s like everything she has ever felt for the past year is rushing back into her, filling her up until she feels like she’s going to burst out of her skin, just explode from the pressure of all of that fear and desperation and love and stupidity expanding inside of her, and all she wants to say is I’m gay, I’m gay, I’m gay, can you still love me now? but she can’t make the words come. Something keeps them trapped in her head. She puts her head back down and wills herself not to cry. “I know,” she says, cracked and wet, and God, she almost, almost means it.
That passage right there. . . I'm still crying. I can't even describe how magnificently written this whole story is, but especially this part. I've always related to Santana the most out of all the glee kids and I'm pretty sure I've had this exact inner monologue before and it's just ~I have a lot of feelings~ time.
And the way this ended, with her waiting out the pain and darkness, is just so heart-wrenching. And that kind of cliffhanger, a story that hasn't and may never be told, it's just so achingly /real/.
This whole fic is accurate and perfect and just so, so Santana and I hope you never, ever stop writing.
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