Beck's new dancers are HOT, until their fans kick in.

Nov 16, 2005 05:49

Top Story: Beck Video Features QRIO Robots

Beck's new video is now available on his website. It requires registration to view, but it's pretty simple. Anyway, the video either has Sony's QRIO robots in the place of backup dancers, or Beck in the place of a QRIO spokesperson. I can't tell. It's neat that the video is utilizing actual robot capabilities, but it doesn't make for very engaging entertainment, as the entire thing looks like a Sony product presentation (which we're all familiar with around here). Anyway, check it out. [Link]

Tyco Cyberbeast: Named Too Scary for X-Mas
Cubic Robotic Blimps
How to Make a Robot RC Car
Robot Quilts
Army Developing Synthetic Gills
Robotic Lawyers
Remote Controlled Spy Turtles
2005 Eastern Canadian Robot Games
7' Robby the Robot!

Thanks for all the kind comments on the last post. Robots_Will_Win will stay pretty much the same, but with a bit more talking from me. However, I've decided to start a new community for posting images of robots and YOU'RE ALL INVITED!

The new community is called RoboFamilyAlbum, a name suggested by my pal heroprotagonist. In general, I'm thinking that Robo Family Album's fun/art images can be the balance to this site's "news only" images. Check it out!
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