Aug 18, 2008 13:04
Man... im getting blogger's constipation and it sucks... So many thing's are going on in my life right now all at once and I want to post all the important things first, but those big chuncks of info are just clogging up all my other posts! So although Im sure everyone wants to hear bout my job at Industrial, Light and Magic and about how living back with my folks is , etc. etc. etc., Im gonna just post bout TV... TV and comics O_o... Ill get to the important stuff (hopefully) some other time, but in the light of trying to get some posts in here im just gonna spurt out random stuff that has been on my mind...
So I wanna start getting subscriptions of comic books and this time I don't wanna go insane and owe hundreds of dollars to the comic book shop again! So im taking it slow and am gonna start introducing Titles slowly. So far I know that I want to keep up with Fables and the Jack series... I will probably pick up the Buffy one too cuz im stereotypical -_-. Erm... ok so here's where Im not sure where to go in regards to DC an Marvel cuz in the past I just went "Load them all up!" and literally was drowning in back issues of all the X team books and JLA's and JSA and Teen Who has all over the place! LOL I think this post is like 90% written towards Eric, but yeh anyone hear any news bout any books in particular? I actually have some books chosen already (some of the oldies I wanted to still keep up with) but I wanted to see what other people wanted to suggest.
Same thing too I guess with TV... with out DVR I am DYING!!!! and the saddest thing is this would have been the perfect setup for it since I get home round 8-9 everyday. Having something pre-recoreded that I could watch when going to bed would have helped sooooooooo much... *sigh* I may have to go old school and start setting my vcr like the olden days (FLASH BACK .. SAILOR MOON!!! O_O and Sunday morning shows like Iron Man and the Hulk that were during church time!). But yeh I am most definitely going to keep up with Heroes and with The Office... but seeing as I have no way to any kind of commercials and all that stuff any of you guys know of any shows I used to watch that may be starting up again? Im half temped to just upgrade my parents cable and just not tell them -_-... I got spoiled in Irvine and we don't even have a cable box!!!!