another fun time with my best friends little brother HA!

Jun 17, 2005 02:02

themancalledcrzy: fuck you!
BloodyxEmotions: in the butt!
themancalledcrzy: with a large tube of lube!
BloodyxEmotions: and some cactus!
themancalledcrzy: and a dead opposum
BloodyxEmotions: and some boots
themancalledcrzy: with juice in the bottom
BloodyxEmotions: anal juice
themancalledcrzy: pig anal juice
themancalledcrzy: with cheese
themancalledcrzy: blue cheese
BloodyxEmotions: and swiiss
themancalledcrzy: and club soda
BloodyxEmotions: and belly button lint
themancalledcrzy: ok wtf did we just do?
BloodyxEmotions: i dont know
BloodyxEmotions: i think we did >.> <.<
BloodyxEmotions: it
themancalledcrzy: hahahaha creepy >.<
BloodyxEmotions: i know
BloodyxEmotions: thats like....
BloodyxEmotions: incest
themancalledcrzy: hahaha ewww
BloodyxEmotions: -shudders-
themancalledcrzy: its ok -pedifile voice- i'll keep good care of you, come to my van
BloodyxEmotions: noo!
BloodyxEmotions: -tries to run away-
themancalledcrzy: -grabs hand, and licks her fingers- yummy young teenage fingers -crazy luagh-
themancalledcrzy: -pushes her into van-
BloodyxEmotions: aaah!
themancalledcrzy: tee hee your gunna die now bitch!
BloodyxEmotions: -kicks in the face-
BloodyxEmotions: dont kill me mistuh!
BloodyxEmotions: im to young to die
themancalledcrzy: -chumps on foot in his mouth- ima eaght youis feetsea offa
BloodyxEmotions: noo!
BloodyxEmotions: not my feetsea!!!
BloodyxEmotions: -wiggles toes-
themancalledcrzy: my tippy toes now bitch
BloodyxEmotions: NO!
BloodyxEmotions: NO!
BloodyxEmotions: NO!
themancalledcrzy: -slaps her- bitch
themancalledcrzy: shut up
BloodyxEmotions: no!
BloodyxEmotions: -yells-
themancalledcrzy: -puts hand over her mouth, and rips off a toe- muwhahaha
BloodyxEmotions: mmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmffmfmfffff
BloodyxEmotions: -bleeds on your face-
themancalledcrzy: -spits the toe back out at her eye- hahahahahahahha im gunna have my way with you soon hoe!
BloodyxEmotions: NO! NO!~!!!!
themancalledcrzy: -pokes her eyes- hahahaha
BloodyxEmotions: eeeek!
themancalledcrzy: this is fun im gunna huurt yo
themancalledcrzy: u
themancalledcrzy: -starts to strangle her-
BloodyxEmotions: eeeecccchhh
BloodyxEmotions: -turns purple-
themancalledcrzy: -stops, and than slaps her, again- hahaha im gunna hurt you mo
themancalledcrzy: -takes off his underwear and stuffs it in her mouth-
BloodyxEmotions: eeeeu!!!!!!
BloodyxEmotions: -pukes!-
themancalledcrzy: -eats the puke- yumm
BloodyxEmotions: hahah gross!
BloodyxEmotions: -pukes more-
themancalledcrzy: -mouths the puke, and gargles it, than spits it out in her mouth, and holds her mouth shut, forcing her to swallow it
themancalledcrzy: -
BloodyxEmotions: grosss!!!
BloodyxEmotions: -pukes more and it seeps out of her mouth and through his fingers-
themancalledcrzy: -licks at the cracks between his fingers were the puke is comingout-
BloodyxEmotions: gross!
BloodyxEmotions: you are so icky!
BloodyxEmotions: -poohs her pants=
themancalledcrzy: -smells the pooh and gets a happy fsace- mmm
BloodyxEmotions: warrenn!!
BloodyxEmotions: gross!
themancalledcrzy: hahaha
themancalledcrzy: im just palying
themancalledcrzy: im a little slut named betsy sue
BloodyxEmotions: i know
themancalledcrzy: holy shit hahah this chick just told me that this girl i like calls me hot and stuff haha
themancalledcrzy: thats rad
themancalledcrzy: ...for me
themancalledcrzy: lol
themancalledcrzy: hahaha i like cheese yes i do i like cheese how bout you!?
themancalledcrzy: BITCH!
themancalledcrzy: AWNSER ME HOE!
themancalledcrzy: FUCK-NUGGET
themancalledcrzy: TALK
themancalledcrzy: TALK
themancalledcrzy: TALK
themancalledcrzy: BHOE
themancalledcrzy: HOE
themancalledcrzy: TALK
themancalledcrzy: NUKKA
BloodyxEmotions: sorry
themancalledcrzy: BITCH
themancalledcrzy: IMA BUTTER YOUR BREAD
BloodyxEmotions: lol
themancalledcrzy: drop your coat, grab your toes, im gunna show you were the wild goose goes
themancalledcrzy: you there?
themancalledcrzy: bitch
themancalledcrzy: ima talkin to you
themancalledcrzy: drop your coat
themancalledcrzy: HEY!
themancalledcrzy: BITCH!
themancalledcrzy: MONKEY!
BloodyxEmotions: -dances0
BloodyxEmotions: -
themancalledcrzy: O.o STRIP SEARCH!
themancalledcrzy: lol
BloodyxEmotions: noo!
BloodyxEmotions: -runs away-
themancalledcrzy: STOP RESISTING
themancalledcrzy: !
BloodyxEmotions: no!
BloodyxEmotions: -clenches-
themancalledcrzy: -uses police state of the art butt de-clenching device, to pry open her ass- hahaha im gettin in der
themancalledcrzy: lol that was kinda weird
BloodyxEmotions: haha it was
BloodyxEmotions: like...really weird
themancalledcrzy: lol lets never talk of this time ever again
themancalledcrzy: lol
BloodyxEmotions: okay
BloodyxEmotions: im putting it in my elljay though
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