Cole's backpack

Nov 14, 2011 23:52

The replica backpack/messenger bag thing isn't really that big is it? I hate carrying a purse around and my pockets are never big enough to hold everything, so I was thinking of actually using Cole's backpack lol

Also if there's an Infamous 3 I want to play as Zeke, MGS2 it where you start out as Cole but then it was just Zeke dreaming or something.

I haven't played iF2 yet since I'm waiting for Christmas but I spoiled myself a lil bit =n= Not on all the details, idfk why everything happened, but I know WHAT happened. Mostly.

I'm so tempted to go down the evil path first just so I can, you know, lmao, god the music in that scene is SO HEARTWRENCHING
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