An Adventure

Aug 27, 2005 14:50

Friday Joe and I hitch-hiked out to Huntington Gorge* and went swimming. The day was beautiful, the hitching was easy and the water was COLD! I had a great time. Damn that boy is amazing. I can't tell him enough how crazy/stupid he makes me. We're worried that I'll fall head over heels in love with him and get my little heart crushed. We hitched back to his place and he made guacamole for me, I snuggled with his pets and we just grinned at each other for a while.

I ended up taking a taxi to town. I only came back to Burlington because I'd promised Nick that I'd help him do some things in Benjamin's LARP. (We'd had fun cuddling the week before.) Nick skipped game. *grumble*

Jarrett was in my bed when I got home. He's a fidgety bastard. He is once again single and so doesn't want to hear about my happiness with Joe, but wants me to be happy and asks me questions about my day. I can't help it if the answers are doe eyed explanations of romping around with his best friend. Luckily Laura called and offered to work my shift, so after he left I had time to sleep. I got up around 2:30 today! Yay! I need to find a way to make my day fabulous--besides watching Kung-Fu movies on FX.

*We went to 'triple buckets' not the dangerous part of the gorge!
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