WIP meme.

Feb 04, 2012 01:38

Stolen from cincoflex:

Post the first sentence (or three) from every WIP you're currently working on, even if it's very short. Then invite people to ask questions about your WIPs. With any luck, the motivation to take that WIP one step closer to completion will appear as if by magic!

You don't have to ask questions, unless you want to. And I'm not going to post ones from EVERY story I'm working on, just the ten files I worked on most recently (excepting my IAB challenge fic, which is top secret).

Some of these will never be finished, and that's okay. Others are just fragments, and will likely be combined into one another at some point. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few sentences. ;)

1. Flames We Never Lit

It was called Project Briar Rose.

An experiment in prolonged cryogenic stasis, for use in long-distance space travel; they still thought extraterrestrial colonization might be the answer in those days.

Peggy Carter volunteered.

2. A Numbness for Sound

Tony Stark has an aptitude for languages: by the age of six, he was already fluent in Spanish, primarily by DXing Mexican border-blasters late at night on a cobbled-together transistor radio. Other languages followed, with relative facility, until he hit puberty and discovered girls-at which point his interest in French kissing outstripped his interest in French conjugation.

So Tony knows enough to know that his French isn’t anywhere near as good as Natasha’s.

3. (Untitled)

Snow glittered on the air and blanketed the empty street. The entire world seemed muffled. There was a saying: only a stupid man commits murder on a snowy night.

4. Working title: Five Facts Pepper Now Knows About the Avengers (And Wishes She Didn't)
(I know it's a terrible title, but I don't have a better one yet.)

Hawkeye wears red underwear.

Pepper doesn’t exactly go in search of this particular fact, but it is brought to her attention the second time that she stays at the house overnight. (She always calls it the house; even in her head, Avengers Mansion sounds laughably pompous.)

5. Backdraft

He calls Pepper as soon as we’re on the expressway. Which of course he would-all she ever does is clean up his messes. It’s the kind of thing that never used to bother me, but things are a little different now.

6. Comfort

The first time he saw the slippers, Tony had been awake for approximately three days, during which he had ingested prohibitively large quantities of espresso, bourbon, and high-fructose corn syrup. It wasn’t even very good bourbon, but rather the kind that tasted like it was distilled in a prison toilet and aged in the bottle en route to the liquor store-which made the ultimate outcome that much more regrettable.

The slippers were pale violet in colour, decidedly feminine in shape, and outrageously fluffy; the only clue to their possible provenance was that they were tucked unobtrusively under the couch in the exact spot where Pepper liked to set up shop.

7. Dirty Laundry

An evening of laundry wasn’t Pepper’s ideal Friday night, by any stretch of the imagination. However, sitting in a hard plastic chair, New York Times crossword firmly in hand, she reflected that the evening had one thing going for it: it did not involve Tony Stark.

It had been a long week.

8. Change of Season

Jake Patterson took a few tentative steps into the penthouse apartment before doing a complete 360-degree turn, head tilting and bobbing as he tried to take it all in. Glass and steel, smooth lines and bright light, wide open spaces; Tony preferred working in clutter, but he liked his life above-ground to be clean and neat, relatively free of distractions.

Tony suspected the boy would be a distraction par excellence.

9. Untitled

Tony doesn't mind hotels. Being in a hotel is not very different from being at home; there are people who clean up after him and fetch his meals and everything is done to his specifications. And all hotels have the same basic features, which gives them a pleasing kind of uniformity.

10. Untitled

Unlike most boys of his generation, Tony didn't read comic books as a kid. He never wanted to be a superhero. He found the authors' willful ignorance of the laws of physics exasperating.

can i kick it? (yes i can), fandom friends are the best friends, scotch o'clock, conjunction junction, fic, meme, loquacious doesn't begin to describe it, iron man, draft fic, yes i make a lot of lists

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