
Nov 28, 2011 14:28

Here's the inked version of the drawing I posted, in case any of you feel like doing your own colour job. (I'm experimenting with finer lines than I usually use so it's not great, and I'm not happy that the black marker bled so much, but you know. It's all about the process.)

the grin still gets me every time. )

things i did instead of writing fanfic, smut!, sketchy mcsketcherson, artwork, iron man, tony/pepper

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luckytohaveher November 28 2011, 23:00:26 UTC

This is just so perfect on so many different levels. I love the colors you used on Pepper. How can you make a ginger look so good on a pink shirt? I bow to your mad skills, friend.


roboticonograph November 29 2011, 04:20:08 UTC
Thanks. :)


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