which shape keeps you up at night?

Apr 02, 2011 22:49

This test? Freaky.

My results:

You reach out to the world and pull in experiences of all forms and kinds. Spontaneous, immediate and active, you have a natural tendency to win, whether this is in the business world or on the freeway. In the right context this can be a positive encouragement to those around you. In the wrong context it can lead to a ( Read more... )

weird, oh snap!, meme, everyone else is doing it, i am iron man

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Comments 2

luckytohaveher April 3 2011, 17:30:32 UTC
My results pegged me as extremely responsible. I think I did this wrong...

Those shapes/questions were indeed freaky. I'm never complaining about the Rorschach test again.

PS: love the new icon.


roboticonograph April 3 2011, 18:50:16 UTC
Here's what I wrote to neptunesubmerge after taking the test in her LJ:

The shifty lights think I am quite psychologically complex and tend to be successful at whatever I do, but that I tend to use people and am shallow and unconsciously narcissistic. Which I can't even refute because if it is unconscious how would I know?

Maybe the fact that I am now wondering if other people really see me that way, and if so how I can counteract that, means that it's true.

Or maybe I just need to stop taking personality tests while I'm in the middle of writing fan fiction from the POV of one Tony Stark. :P

P.S.: thanks. It matches my sweet layout.


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