Fifteen characters meme

Nov 30, 2010 00:05

 Stolen from jackwabbit : "Fifteen characters you love and who have stuck with you through the years since you first met them. They can be from movies, books, television, plays...whatever."

I decided to do mine in roughly chronological order, according to when I first "met" them. There are plenty more where this came from, but this is a pretty solid core list.

  1. Ebenezer Scrooge, A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
  2. Bruce Banner, The Incredible Hulk (cartoon/comic/television show/etc)
  3. Sherlock Holmes, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (and numerous other representations over the years)
  4. James T. Kirk, Star Trek (television show)
  5. Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
  6. Natalie Lambert, Forever Knight (television show)
  7. Dana Scully, The X-Files (television show)
  8. Niles Crane, Frasier (telelvision show)
  9. Bridget Jones, Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding
  10. Evelyn Carnahan, The Mummy (film)
  11. Harriet Vane, the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, Dorothy L. Sayers
  12. Tony Stark, Iron Man (comic/film/cartoon/etc)
  13. River Tam, Firefly/Serenity (television show/film)
  14. Precious Ramotswe, The Number One Ladies' Detective Agency (books and television show)
  15. Harry Lockhart, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (film)

meme, everyone else is doing it, yes i make a lot of lists

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