another pointless survey

Apr 24, 2005 23:49

01. What's your nickname: tronique
02. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night: mushrooms if my roommate hasn’t used them all already… or olives mainly ramen
03. How much money would it take to give up the Internet for one year: 350,000,00
04. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie: immortal beloved
05. Do you have a completely irrational fear: midgets, clowns
06. What is a physical habit that gives away your insecure moments: nail biting, or head touching
07. Do you know anyone famous: I guess
08. Describe your bed: its on the floor it has a mound of pillows and down comforter its black and turquoise
09. Do you know how to play poker: no or am I bluffing
10. What do you carry with you at all times: everything
11. What do you miss most about being little: peeing my pants in public, crapping in weird places, calling people assholes with out them getting mad but thinking its funny cause your little and you have a mouth of a sailor
12. Are you happy with your given name: yes and yes its truly a jewish strippers name
13. What color is your bedroom: white walls with Halloween masks on it and other random posters, and my own art
14. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person: I am to the deserving others and get bent
15. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends: well yes but no cause I spend time with my friends too the ones that actually do stuff that doesn’t involve staying home and being 80 oooohhh I not pointing fingers but you all know who you are…
16. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't: phantom fart
17. What is your ideal marriage location: hmmm lets see some where probably really creepy cause that’s just my bag. Maybe like outside of Alister Crowley’s mansion while led zepplin plays a reunion show… if john Bonham was still alive
18. What's one instrument you wish you could play: guitar like a motherfucker or drums
19. Something you love: simonfl- cheeezyyyyyy wreckords, my keyboard, my dog, Sonya the greatest baby alive…
20. Something you hate: waking up to go to work, smelly dog farts, shitty thai food, scrubs, people that don’t tip the master barista
21. What's one language you want to learn: french
22. What do you order at a bar: jack and coke, gin and cran , pbr motherfucker
23. Any piercings: big ol’ ears
24. Do you drive stick: yes I do
25. What's one trait you hate in a person: weak and whine
26. What kind of watch do you wear: none but I want this casio one
27. Do you consider yourself materialistic: with records yes and dvds
28. Favorite writing instrument: blood, goat blood or elfin blood will do
29. Do you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex: I’m not a dyke
30. What's your favorite article of clothing on the opposite sex: cliché line here…. Tight pants and nice button shirt skinny tie
31. What is one car you will never buy: any type of suv
32. If you won the lottery, what would you do: move my parents, buy a scooter, buy simon film stuff and a real haircut next time… oooo just kidding hahaha, travel, buy a house , new car, get a new wardrobe
33. Burial or cremation: drown me in a river
34. If you don't like a person, how do you show it: the face or I will say I don’t like you or generally you will just know
35. What kind of first impression do you think you give people: stand-offish bitch cunt whore face
36. How many drinks before you're tipsy: quite a few
37. Have you ever done any illegal drugs: does a hooker get nervous in church?
38. Do you think you're cute: I don’t think I know
39. Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of your friends: who cares
40. What's the most painful experience you've ever had (emotionally and/or physically):
Physically: some relationships I have been in..
Emotionally: when my good friend Ian Lynne was killed
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