Jan 28, 2008 23:23
Friday- BDO was awesome.
I spent most of the day with morgan and saw everyone I thought I would there! Enter Shikari were my favourite. Still are my favourites. I brought a shirt but I think it got put in the wash accidently the day after :(
I had my first pinga at the bdo... a halfer then a halfer. It was fun but I thought I would be more fucked up. So many people there were drug fucked. The boiler room was amazing, its like a rave I suppose.
I think to myself "I spose its bad that I tried ectasy?" but I don't regret it. Its sort of embarrassing. I dont want my friends to be disappointed in me. Pat was a bit cut I had one first. Its not a race. If I was him I wouldn't try one given his mental stability. Mines alot better nowerdays.
Then I was with Morgan and her friends on Saturday and they were talking about gas, acid and coke and doing lines and stuff and it was way over my head. I didn't feel out of the loop or bad though.... I like learning about this stuff but my overall thought was "this is way beyond me" I don't think I could do the other things, once I said that about pingers too but snorting things? It all just seems to hectic and I like my life and dont want to go a-wall on drugs....
Muching a pill every now and then? Maybe.. but I still approach the situation with extreme hesitation. The only reason I did it was because Morgan is my best mate and she wouldn't lie to me about the effects and knows how to look out for others and teach me what to do and she knew the dealer and knew this particular pills strength and shit... she has been doing the stuff for ages now. And her new bf was there and he understands the nature of it to. so in a crowd of 50 000 people I felt relatively safe.
I am glad I did it on a special occasion.. I always said I wanted it to be special.
Saturday night I pulled a few cones then got maggot and went out. In true Aussie style. The last was having a goth night so we wore the most ungoth yet stupid things we own. Hawiian shirts and pj pants lol. All in good fun.. The music was awesome!!!!
Then we walked around town climbing up stairwells and on historic stuff. The boys pissed off a tower. I had a magical feast at maccas too.
On a downward note. Pat and I had an arguement as ot wether we are best friends. We still are but it hangs on by a thread really. We argue all the time. Over little differences. Seeing things the wrong way.
Its a pain but better than not having him at all.
P.S I have lost 2 kg or 5lbs!!!!