people fucking disgust me

Mar 06, 2009 17:01

There's a whole shitstorm going on over at:

Basically, he posted a "funny" video that he made of a dude getting stabbed in the face and a bunch of people (myself included) called him out on it and said that it was wrong that he thought it entertaining.

Look at all the little sheep defending their shepherd. This is fucking awful. I don't get it, I really, really don't. Apparently it's ok to stand by and watch someone get hurt, to film it, to laugh your ass off, to post it online and share the "funny" with the world.

It's not.

Condoning violence in this manner (yes, it is condoning it if you're saying LOOK AT HOW FUNNY THIS IS) is not cool. I'm not saying go in and break up the fight, I know I wouldn't. Knives are fucking scary and they hurt people. But don't stand around like a fucking cunt, filming it, laughing about it, finding it amusing - someone is in pain, someone is suffering, someone is getting stabbed. I fail to see the funny.

If you truly believe it's not your place to get involved in a fight, then it's not your place to film it either.

Got that?
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