1} Last thing you burned while attempting to cook? I haven't burned anything in so long that I can't recall what it was.
2} Describe yourself in three words. Patient, curious, and slightly boring.
3} How long does it take you to get ready for your day? About 50 minutes if I'm off to a slow start.
4} Favorite place to blow £50? H&M.
5} How many people have you thought were "the one"? Hopefully one.
6} What is something that turns you off from a proposed lover? Uh...
7} What kind of car do you drive? An invisible one.
8} What's in your CD player/ipod right now? In my iPod? About 8000 songs and I'm ot about to name them.
9} What celebrity would you have coffee with? Paul Bettany.
10} What celebrity would you NOT have coffee with? Madonna.
11} What kind of toothpaste do you use? Colgate or Crest. I can't recall.
12} What time do you go to bed? Late.
13} Last movie you saw? Alfie
14} Last TV show you watched? I'm watching a rerun of Roseanne right now.
15} Who is your best friend? Nat.
16} Who in your family do you best get along with? I think I get along with both my parents equally, but in different ways.
17} Who do you have a crush on? My crushes are usually on celebrities.
18} What time is it right now? About 12:58am.
19} Are you planning a vacation/travel? I'm much too poor for that right now. And although I'd love to go somehwere, the next thing I'll be saving for is a wedding, so I can be made an honest woman;P
20} When/Where was the last time you travelled? Europe this past September.
22} How old will you be in 10 years? It'll be the 6th anniversary of my 29th birthday, but almmost the 7th anniversary.
23) Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I don't know, but I hope that I'll be happy.
24} Sinful snacking weakness? Nachos and salsa. Okay, the salsa doesn't make me feel guilty, but the nachos sure do.
25} Do you like roller coasters? Nope. Not only am I afraid of heights, but I also get nauseous on rides.
26} Ever run out of gas? No.
27} Ever been on a train? Yes.
28} Ever been on a blind date? No. I've never really even been on a date.
29} Ever been to Europe? I'm happy to say that I have.
30} What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day? I really don't know that I'd want to be a guy for a day.
31} Would you tell anyone it was really you? I don't know.
32} Have a crush on anyone you work with? I don't work, unfortunately.
33} What is something you believe? Dunno.
34} What is something you fear? I fear that I'll never do anything with my life.
35} Big or small? I'm not quite sure I get the question, so I won't answer it.
36} What is the worst physical or emotional pain you have ever experienced? When I had to have Fritz put to sleep I was heartbroken. I still am and always wonder if Imade the right decision and I completely regret not staying with him when it happened.
37} What is your favourite television show? Arrested Development.
38} Ever Photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture? I wouldn't know how to do that even if I wanted to.
39} Tell us something about your childhood: I'm pretty sure it was mostly happy.
40} What would it cost for you to flash the person next to you? Nobody is next to me, but I'd flash the person in the next room for free
41} Best time to catch you in a good mood? I'm usually in a pretty good mood, so you could take a chance any time of the day.
42} If you could be anything for one day, what would it be? A celebrity, maybe. I think it would be interesting to know what it's like to be famous.
43} Most prized possession? Either my iPod or Arrested Development seasons one and two.
44} Would you ever sell it/how much? I'd sell my iPod if I could get a new one (though I don't know if anyone would buy mine) and as for AD, no I wouldn't.
45} What is one of your pet peeves? One of them? Well, I hate when people don't refill the Brita.
46} Favourite kind of ice cream? Vanilla.
47} Coolest thing that happened to you today? My plastic surgeon told me that everything is healing really well. It's not really cool, but I've had a really boring couple of weeks.