Jun 15, 2006 20:20
Mon: Try it, it's really yum... oh fuck.
Me: What's up kitty?
Mon: I swore never to come here again.
Me: Hey?
Mon: Gloria Jean's is owned by hillsong.
Me: What the fuck... The pentecostals?
Mon: Yep
Me: But that doesn't make sense, They're evangelical so homphobia is a given but the Darling Harbour Gloria Jean's is gay friendly and the one in oxford street is completely covered in gay pride propaganda. Heck, go into any Gloria Jean's franchise anywhere and at least half the male employees will be gay or bi...
Mon: I know. One of my gay friends used to work there... Guess it's some kind of sick ironic joke, I mean gay guys make up a huge proportion of takeout gormet coffee drinkers so they're going to be one of the main customer groups who in the end are funding a lot of christian charities that want them gone
Me: and yet, they advertise to the contrary, they make it seem like a safe haven in this scary world of anti-gays...
*the door opens... a gay man walks in with a dog in a bag*
Mon & Me: hrmm :(
Hail Capitalism.