
May 18, 2011 18:09

Tiny Pickles is tiny. Huge Nathan is huge. And squishy. Also, first time drawing Pickles.

And yes, I know, while I took time and care to make sure Skwisgaar's guitar was neat and properly drawn, I totally got lazy and crapped out the laptop. Meh, it was the last thing I drew and my hand was cramping. Besides, this is Metalocalypse, guitars are more important than laptops. Also my scanner cut off a bit of Skwisgaar's arm and back. :/ Pffts, whatevers.

Oh, and in Pickles' lap is a practice snare. Which is basically like a snare head without the rest of the drum that you hold in your lap for drumming practice. It's quieter than drumming with a real snare so it's good for practice under noise constraints. The idea is that Pickles is using his right now to illustrate and pitch drum beats to the other two while song writing.

pickles the dummer, skwisgaar skwigelf, dethklok, metalocalypse, fanart, art, nathan explosion

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