May 29, 2006 15:19

Guys! GUYS! I seriously don't even have to go to work today! I went to their website to find their phone number, only to discover that, much to my delight, they're closed on mondays! So as long as they don't call me up and berate me for not going to work for the third day in a row, this is offically an awesome day. I have taken this oppurtunity to get some good work done on my comic, which has to be finished and sent in a manner of days, but I think I can do it now! I just need to think of a title. Another reason I'm glad to not be at work: I'm still kind of sick and achey* after drinking a whole lot with my siblings and spending most of yesterday more or less hung over.

Other quick things:
-The new Scott Pilgrim is pretty awesome!
-I also got a copy of the Free Comic Book Day Scott Pilgrim! You might be able to get one, too! If you want!
-ruddeh may be able to get me a job at Electronics Boutique? Selling video games? Maybe?? Awesome???! (Note to self: email Brendan!)
-I have been listening to almost nothing but Devo since I got back to NS. As well as some Rancid. Can anyone suggest new music? I need new music!
-Happy (2-days-late) Birthday, Jordyn! I have a drawing to post for you, but it really kind of sucks right now and I'll post it when it looks nicer.
-That's all I got? I'm really kind of missing Vancouver a lot right now. I wanna get back to animating, and seeing people, and, you know, not living in my parent's basement.

*Edit!: I thought this acheyness was in my shoulders, but has somehow morphed into chest pains, so I think my lung (or lungs) is acting up again. Maybe if my lung collapses again I won't have to go to work!? I would seriously rather have a collapsed lung than go to work. It sucks that much.
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