I just got a call saying there has been an error with my New York Voter Registration and that they just now realized they had not contacted me. Apparently this late in the game, there is nothing I can do.
I feel sick.
No, sick does not even begin to describe how I feel right now. I just want to die. I really needed this. My faith in humanity has been at an all time low and this is just the kind of shit that makes me glad the windows in my 11th floor bedroom are bolted shut.
The only thing I can take solace in is the verity that I was able to convince six kids that weren't planning on voting to register and fill out their absentee ballots (for Obama no less) and that after much persuasion, I convinced three kids who were "undecided" to vote for Obama. So I guess that's nine more votes for Obama than there would have been. But that is no excuse. If McBush wins, I will be personally responsible.
At least one truth remains:
“See, it doesn’t even matter if he wins, cause McCain’s going to die in two years any way”
-Random girl on the street