wereallpeople press

Jan 14, 2009 11:01

We are all not the same. As we walk past people on the street, almost all humans don't make eye contact, softly mumble hi. I am surprised when i discover something new about someone, but maybe i don't that much. I didn't know that we all get sad over death and poverty. We get mad at politicians and violence. We all sing and dance whether we are being watched or not. People protest. People want to fight for our rights. With this weapon that no one wants us to know, that we all possess power in unity, that it is possible to get along with the black, the immigrant, the foreign, the native, the recluse, the loud mouth, the happy, the radical, the mothers and fathers, we are all fighting for the same cause and with this weapon we can do anything. We can demand anything. That is the power we aren't supposed to know. Like repression is appeased with money, property or promise, we are appeased with television, games and money. Living a life of solidarity and poverty. Make money to buy expense new things. Then use those things to sit and be silent just like they want us to do. We can't be silent. I understand what Obama means when he says he can't do it with out the power of the people. He has to play the politics game but it's really us who have to unite and demand our rights.
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